chapter twenty-four: home

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"Hey, kiddo, you awake?"

My dad knocked on my door the next morning. And thankfully, for once, I was still on call with Peter. I could still hear the steady beeping of his monitors.

I looked down at my phone and saw him fast asleep on the hospital bed. The sunlight was leaking through the window over there and it laid against his skin, giving him a golden-like glow.

He looks almost angelic. So I took a screenshot of it and smiled to myself, feeling very lucky to have him. I muted myself and answered my father. Just so I wouldn't wake Peter up.

"I'm awake," I called to him. "What's up?"

"Just wanted to check! Nat and I brought home donuts and the tree, so I wanted to let you know that we plan on decorating it."

"I'll be out in a second."

I laid back down and just marveled at my screen. He just looks so peaceful. I unmuted myself in case he woke up and wanted to talk, but then I got up and started getting dressed.

I'd just removed my shirt when I heard his voice. Thankfully I had my volume turned up.

"Well, good morning, gorgeous."

I blushed deeply and covered my bare chest with his shirt. "Morning, Pete."

"Babe you don't have to cover up," Peter laughed. "I love seeing you. You're beautiful."

"Sorry. Just- reaction I guess," I mumbled sheepishly. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah, actually. Really well. You?"

"Eh," I shrugged. "It was better after we talked a little bit. So I guess so, yeah."

"I come home today," Peter beamed. "I get to see you and cuddle you and watch movies. I'm so ready to be back home I miss it."

"We all miss you too," I smiled softly. "May said she was gonna call you. Did she end up doing that?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Last night before we called. She asked about my hospital stay and how things were going. Hadn't realized how much I miss her until we talked."

"Yeah. I mean, I miss her and I saw her yesterday," We both chuckled a little. "But yeah. We all can't wait to have you back home."

I heard a knock over the phone and watched Peter look up. He gave a half hearted smile to the doctor I assumed.

"Hey, Peter! How're you feeling today?"

Yeah, doctor. Just like I thought.

"Good. Really good. Ready to be home."

"Oh, are you on the phone? I can come back in a bit?"

"No, no. I mean, yeah, I'm on the phone. But it's Athena. I don't wanna postpone any of this."

"Understandable," He laughed. "Okay, so, I'm gonna get you taken off your monitors, take some blood and run that, get you all up and ready to go. I'll look at your scar and change your bandages. And then if your blood work comes back clean and you're able to use either crutches or a wheelchair, we'll let you go."

"Oh, my god," I covered my mouth and my eyes watered a bit. Peter smiled at the phone and nodded towards the doctor.

"That sounds perfect, doc. Let's get moving then."

I finished getting dressed, wiping tears and sniffling as I went. Peter watched the doctor do his things. I heard the monitors beep off and after the doc took blood from Peter's IV, that was taken out too.

He seemed pretty happy with the fact that he could completely bend his arm and use it normally again without having to worry about freaking out his monitors.

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