chapter ten: close call

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tw: very light smut, implied self harm

"Are you sure I look okay or are you just saying that to be nice?"

"Of course! You're gorgeous, babe. You've never been anxious about how you look when we hang out at my place. What's wrong?"

"It's different now, Pete. I'm carrying your child. And then everything that happened with Diamondback... I just feel like I'm going to be the center of attention."

"Do... do you not wanna do this? I can tell May we just- wanna hang out in my room and watch movies or something? Star Wars marathon?"

"No, no," I sighed and waved him off. "Maybe a night with just you and May will be nice. But we will be having that Star Wars marathon. Just at a later date."

"How about you stay over at my place tonight and we'll watch a few before bed."

I gave him a warm smile. "That sounds amazing, Peter. Let's do that."

"Sounds like a plan," He returned the smile as he unlocked the front door to the penthouse apartment. "May? We're here!"

"Oh! Hey, guys!" May came around the corner, looking gorgeous as always. She greeted the both of us with hugs but after she stepped back from hugging me, she placed her hand on my stomach. It was so uncomfortable and I almost flinched. "I am SO excited! You have no idea. I've already talked Peter's ear off I'm sure. I have so many questions and ideas already. I can't wait to run them by you."

We suddenly smelled something burning coming from the kitchen. May's eyes widened and she scampered off to the kitchen. "Oh, no! I burnt the rolls. Damn, I need to get this oven fixed."

"Maintenance still hasn't been by?" Peter called out. "We put in that request a week ago."

"Nope! I'm about to go down there- yet again- and demand they get their asses to work. I pay for maintenance work in our rent and they need to do their jobs already," May sighed and grabbed her keys. "I'll be back. You two behave."

The front door closed and the apartment was still. Peter took my hands into his with a concerned expression on his face.

"You okay? I saw the look you gave when she touched you. She's... a lot... as you already know. It's okay if you don't think you can handle it tonight..."

"Peter, I'm okay," I kissed him. "I promise. Maybe it'll be good to get my mind off of everything that's been going on. Talk about something positive. I mean, I've barely had a second to be happy about this baby at all. Maybe May being super extra about it will be that push I need, yknow?"

"Yeah, speaking of," He grew a little more serious. "If... the- you know what- starts acting up at any time tonight, just let me know. We'll- say we're going to bed early and just call it a night so we can get you to a place to calm down. Okay?"

My heart warmed at his concern and I placed a loving hand on his cheek. "You're wonderful, Peter Parker. I'll tell you if anything starts feeling off. And if I can't say anything I'll... nudge your leg or something."

We ventured off to Peter's room to wait for May to get back, not knowing when that would be. He hopped on his bed and laid back, an arm draped over his stomach as he closed his eyes.

"How was training today?" He asked. "Nat work you too hard?"

"No, no, it was good," I laid next to him, placing one of my legs between his and lacing our fingers together on his chest. "Good distraction, really. I'm just... hoping I'm not stressing my body out too much. It's already working hard enough to grow an entire other human."

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