chapter two: shockwave

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My alarm for school came early the next morning. My dad left me a note and a box of donuts on the kitchen table. He and Nat went off for an Avengers meeting super early already.

But he made sure to leave me breakfast. Donuts from my favorite donut shop on the corner just down the street. I indulged in three of them before I snatched my bag and started my walk to school.

–Peter's POV-

Waking up this morning was rough. I was hoping to still have Athena on the phone when I woke up because she has the most beautiful glow first thing in the morning. But unfortunately, my phone screen showed Mr. Stark's caller ID instead.

"Hey, mornin' Mr. Stark."

I cleared my throat, hoping it didn't sound like I'd just woken up.

"Hey, Pete. Listen, Happy's been given instruction to take May back to Queens. We need you here."

"U-um... okay," I sat up and rubbed the grogginess from my eyes. "What- what happened? Can I ask that over the phone or is it one of those top secret only in the tower kind of things."

"Well, as long as I'm not on speaker phone. Am I on speaker phone?"

"Nope, no," I quickly put my phone to my ear after turning off speaker mode. "Not on speaker."

"A high security psychopath villain managed to escape last night. This is a very serious situation, which is why we need everyone here. You specifically."

Happy came in and motioned for me to get up and get moving. I nodded and started packing up while on the phone. "Yeah, I'll be there, Mr. Stark."

–Athena's POV-

I texted MJ a quick "on my way" but decided to stop at a little coffee shop on the way to the school. The little old lady at the front desk smiled at me when I walked in.

"Good morning, honey. What can I get for you?"

"Hey! Um, I'm not sure. What do you recommend?"

The lady was seconds from replying when a huge explosion knocked everyone in the building to the floor. Glass shards shot everywhere, a few of them embedded themselves into my skin causing me to yelp in pain.

I looked up when the dust settled a little bit but the only thing I saw before everything went black was a pair of deep green snake eyes. And I heard the lady at the desk scream for help. Then I was knocked out with a heavy blow to the side of my head.

–3rd POV-

MJ's called Athena's phone seven times now. She's called and texted and left multiple messages. She's even told Ned to do the same. The two of them combined have sent over 40 notifications to Athena's phone.

Both getting absolutely nothing in return.

Ned then called Peter. But he got zero reply as well. So, MJ being the good best friend she is, went to see if Athena was home she'd just stayed home sick.

Ned decided to tag along as well, feeling uneasy about Athena's sudden absence. The two arrived at the rather small, cozy house shortly after school let out, but were greeted to an empty home.

"Maybe... we could visit a few small shops nearby? Maybe she decided to take today off and relax?"

Despite how far-fetched Ned's suggestion was, it was the only option they had at this point. So around the block they went.

And saw that the entire street had been blocked off, rubble everywhere, and a giant hole blown into the front of a small coffee shop.

Ned and MJ shared the same fearful look and rushed up to the crowd hoping for answers.

"It was a break in!"


"Where are the Avengers?!"

"They could've saved that girl!"

"There's a new villain on the loose."

"I'll be homeschooling my kids."

Despite the overload of information, MJ managed to piece together tidbits from around the crowd.

A new villain in town broke into a coffee shop and kidnapped someone. A girl, by the sounds of it.

The answers did little to console Ned and MJ. In fact- it made them that much more eager to get through to Peter.

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