chapter four: secrets revealed

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-Athena's POV–

I woke up with a coughing fit and ended up spitting blood on the concrete below me. It soaked into the concrete along with the rest of the blood already dried on the cold surface.

The skin all over my body ached. My bruises throbbed as I attempted to sit up. Tears stung my eyes and with what strength I had left, a few sobs slipped my lips. I placed a hand on my lower stomach. God I miss Peter.

His chocolate brown eyes. His laugh. His contagious smile. The dimples in his cheeks when he's happy. The way he carries himself, his bravery. But most of all- his protectiveness. The way he'd hold me tightly in public. The busy school hallways when he'd offer me his arm and not care how tightly I held onto him because of all the people.

My heart ached. I just wanted to feel the warmth of his embrace and hear the steady thump of his heart as I laid on his chest. I need his peace. I miss how safe he makes me feel.

"Wakey, wakey!!" My eyes met a pair of green snake eyes. Instantly my tears halted and I moved my hand from my stomach. The last thing I need is him finding out and hurting mine and Peter's baby.

"Please..." God my voice. It's barely audible. My throat stung and I couldn't speak anymore. My voice refused to work with the pain.

"What was that about?" The man pointed to my stomach. "Your hand there. Oh, wait! Oh, this is just precious!! I not only now have Captain America's child hostage- but his grandchild and Spiderman's child!! You're pregnant!"

Goosebumps covered my skin and my heart started pounding as the man got closer.

"Guess I can't kill you after all, huh? A baby has way too much leverage," He crouched in front of me and tightly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. "I'll see you in a week, huh? I'm leaving you with nothing."

–3rd POV–

The group was at a loss. They'd done all the research they could. They know what this man looks like. This new villain. But have absolutely no leads as to where he had Athena.

Their best call was waiting. Waiting until they got their next updated hack image. If they were to get another one. The plan was the only option they had, but it was driving Peter insane.

He didn't wanna wait. Waiting meant more time for his lover to be abused, beaten, bruised... traumatized. Sitting there helpless sounded like a trauma all its own for him. Tony himself instructed May and Happy to do their best keeping Peter hopeful.

He's too much of an asset to the team. They need his brain too much.

Giving up was the last thing Peter wanted to do. So when he was told to go home and rest his body and tackle things with fresh eyes when they got their next hack- he vehemently refused. Steve took over for Tony trying to encourage the young hero.

"Pete, this is all we can do right now. I know how you feel. I want nothing more than having my girl home. But in order to do our best saving her, we need to take care of ourselves."

Surprisingly to the group, Peter nodded. He was done fighting them. He also didn't feel like arguing with Athena's father. He respects him too much. He's the closest thing he has to Athena and right now he can't afford to push that away.

"You can stay at my place. In her room. If that'll help. It might help you think of where she might be- if anything," Steve offered. "Whatever I can do to make it easier."

"Thank you, I will," Peter gratefully nodded and heavily sighed. "I'll... meet you at yours then?"

"Yeah. you've got a key, buddy. Go ahead and let yourself in."

"So..." MJ sighed, her eyes scanning around her best friend's room. "It's... weird being in here now. Without her."

Ned nudged MJ's arm and shook his head, not wanting her to bring up the negative topic. Peter looked to the pair instead of out the window. It's dark now. The stars had come out and it was getting hard for Peter to look at them without Athena.

He harshly closed the curtains.

"I don't even know where to look."

The two were quiet. They couldn't think of anything either.

"I'm assuming he wouldn't take her anywhere obvious," Peter continued. He remembered the bloody image of his unconscious girlfriend that was hacked into Tony's system. He shook off the tears and sighed. "She was in a dark basement somewhere. Some warehouse maybe."

"Do you think it's around here? Like- still in Queens?"

"I don't know. We don't know. We know nothing," Peter grew tense and stood back up, continuing the pacing he's been doing all night.

"Maybe we should go home," MJ frowned a bit. "Give you some peace and quiet to clear your head."

"Yeah," Peter frustratedly rubbed his forehead. "I'll- shower or something. I don't even know."

"We're just a call or text away, buddy," Ned tried to encourage his best friend.

"Thanks, guys," Peter plopped down on Athena's bed. His eyes then caught the window and that's when he decided he was gonna go look for her himself.

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