Chapter 13: To Chase... A Mystery

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Arriving in Felden after the events of Crown Peak has left the Knights shaken and unsure. They have only one option despite the circumstances, and that is continue as planned and seek out Kiyoshi and the Felden army

Only things aren't that simple, and they are about to find out that the Knights have their own puzzle to solve

Author's note: alright then, introducing plot point numero dos! we gonna start dropping some serious hints that could lead to a number of theories. from here, it is up to *you* to decide what to believe and what to discard as hearsay

also, this chapter has two illustrations. it's not to signify something special, it's just my pure incompetence that has resulted in this. I had asked someone for their help in drawing for this one, and they had, bless them. then two weeks later, because I hadn't filed it properly, I freaked out thinking that I didn't have an illustration for this chapter, so I spent eight hours making one. only then did I remember that we already had one

so the first illustration is mine (because I refuse to have spent eight hours on something only for it to go unused) and the second is done by the lovely Cloudless_Sky, god bless her soul


Hubris stumbled as he landed. He couldn't move. He was paralysed with fear, fraught with anxiety, and his eyes wouldn't leave the ground to look at Onyx, Grek and Grim as they watched his arrival into Felora. They analysed him, uncertain of why he had not teleported with them, uncertain of why he was so painfully pale – as if a ghost had taken him – and where his new burns adorned on his chest had come from. No-one said a word. Not even the Felina customs officer as she stared at the Ardoni still by the beacon, confusion overcoming her.

Grim tugged Grek's arm and pointed at Hubris, grumbling a question of concerned curiosity, wanting to know what they were all thinking, but what none had the courage to outright ask. In the end, Grek felt as though he had no other option.

"Hubris?" he tried, carefully. He stepped a little closer to the Nestoris, hoping that he would notice him and not have to ask what everyone was so fearfully dreading. He didn't. "Hubris, what did you see?"

When the beacon activated, the other Knights had only a flash moment to spot Tygren with his hands on Senn before they were transported to Felden. When they arrived, they had expected Hubris to be there with them; but when he was nowhere to be found for an unnerving amount of time, they waited by the gate, hoping that every person who came through via the beacon was a Nestoris Ardoni with tinted, circular markings. After what felt like half an eternity, they contemplated assuming that Tygren had more of a game to play, and he simply used Senn as bait, entrancing Galleous into defense, and moving towards Fort Zuka on their own.

It was Onyx who suggested that they waited a bit longer. They were thankful for their lucky escape, but landing without Hubris was their misfortune, and for all his antics and antagonistic behaviour towards Hubris, Onyx knew that he would find them.

He believed he would.

No-one moved all the while Hubris acquainted himself with his surroundings, breaking out from his mindless thoughts, swirling around his head enough to make him unaware of the reality around him. He had become so lost in the millions of regrets that suddenly overwhelmed him that he had almost forgotten where he was and why.

He looked at Grek gone-out for a moment before his question registered.

"Tygren..." he said, wearily. Grek nodded. "It was Tygren... We all saw it – he had Senn!" He raised his hands to his head and gripped the roots of his matted hair in worry as he slowly shook it in disbelief.

"Where did they go – did he get away?" Onyx ran forward to stand beside Grek, Grim in tow.

"I-" Hubris cut himself off, a thousand thoughts splurging into his throat at once. He couldn't speak for words. "Galleous was right," he uttered. "Galleous was right – I never should have found Senn. I never should have tried to convince him to come back; and now... we might lose them both..." He looked the other Knights dead in the eyes as he spoke, and his voice disappeared barely finishing his sentence.

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