Moving Forward

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Levi and I took the next ship to Eldia to be there for Eren and Mikasa's wedding. Gabi and Falco joined us as well. I was about five months pregnant and I was over the moon about being a mother, and when our child would be born, I would make sure to be the best mother I can be. My own parents weren't part of my life for very long, but I cherished every moment. Levi had always wanted to have a family of his own, and I was grateful he would be by my side as we started our family.

Eren and Mikasa were married in the heart of Shinganshina, and their wedding was a beautiful event. Greta and Jean sat in the front of the rows of guests, and she rested her head on his shoulder. Her Titan scars were still visible under her eyes and Eren's were visible beneath his; the scars served as permanent reminders of their time as Titans. Annie Leonhart was sitting with Greta and Jean, and I noticed she wore a wedding ring. Armin told me he and Annie got married a few months ago, and they have been very happy together ever since. We have all noticed that he has taught her how to smile again. Annie's father was also alive and well, he had a narrow escape with death during the Rumbling. Annie was there to save him from getting killed. The reason why she was sitting in the front row with Greta and Jean was that Armin was officiating the wedding.

Gabi, Falco, Levi, and I sat in the row behind Greta and Jean. I helped Levi out of his wheelchair so he could sit with me. When he was settled, he put his arm around me to hold me. Even though he was injured, he was still and would always be the Levi Ackerman I knew and loved.

Everyone who attended the wedding noticed the trauma that befell Eren and Mikasa was slowly fading away, because the mere presence of one another healed them.

Eren and Mikasa exchanged heartfelt wedding vows. Eren Jaeger took Mikasa's hand as he began his vows to her, "Mikasa, you were always there for me even when I tried to push you away, and I'm eternally grateful for that. You are the most amazing woman in the entire world and I admire you for your strength, heart, and compassion. I promise to spend the rest of my life protecting you and loving you. No matter what, I will always choose you." none of us had seen this side of Eren before, and it was endearing; because most of the time he was always screaming and would be found in an angry mood. Seeing the soft side of Eren was refreshing, because the trauma was slowly going away.

Mikasa Ackerman would be next to say her vows, and everyone could see that she was looking forward to this day for a long time. Her face was turning red from blushing and her grey eyes were filled with tears of happiness, "Eren, to say that it was love at first sight would be crazy, because it goes so much deeper than that. When you saved me from those bandits all those years ago, I felt drawn to you. I was so grateful that you were there to save me from dying and I was forever in your debt. Since then, I felt our connection grow stronger and deeper, like nothing on earth could break us apart. Eren, I promise to be the best I can be for you and I will always choose you as well. I will remind you everyday how loved and important you are. You mean everything to me and I'm so grateful for you." she touched Eren's face, and he began to blush.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," Armin faced his best friend with a proud smile, "Eren, you may kiss your bride."

Eren caressed Mikasa's face and softly kissed her. While still holding her bouquet, she kissed him in return. Cheers roared among the guests, because Eren and Mikasa would be together forever. There wasn't a dry eye at the wedding. I was happy for my friends, and they would have a wonderful marriage together; and since the curse of Ymir had been lifted, Eren could live a full and happy life with his new wife. He and Mikasa were good together. Reiner Braun, who was known for being tough and stoic was in tears as well. We had all forgiven him for his actions in our fight against the Titans. He had found happiness in meeting his new wife named Ingrid Hoffman, she was a doctor from Eldia. Reiner would finally get the family he always wanted.

Sasha Braus had married a man named Niccolo, who was an Eldian chef in Marley; and that was one of the many things that made her fall for him. She would never have to worry about where her next meal was going to come from or how good it would be, because Niccolo was a good cook.  Levi and I would see the couple frequently as we lived in the same neighborhood. 

Connie married Hitch, Annie's roommate from the Military Police. She was just as fun loving and outgoing as he was. The couple stayed in Eldia with the remaining Scouts, and they moved to Ragako, Connie's hometown. Since Ymir's Curse was lifted, Connie's mother was able to go back to her human form, but she was severely injured from being trapped on top of an abandoned house for so long. She lost strength in her muscles and would be wheelchair bound for life.

Levi and I still think about our fallen comrades from over the years, and we try to think of the happy times. It was because of Erwin that Levi and I found the strength to keep moving forward and to keep fighting. He saw something in us that was more than delinquents from the Underground. I was sad that he never got to see what else was outside the Walls, but he wanted us to see it so that his dream would be realized, and I think he would be delighted to know that his father was right.

We could all see that Eren did us a favor in the Rumbling by destroying the Walls, because there were no more Titans to worry about, and it gave us a sense of freedom we were longing for.

A couple months later, I would give birth to twins: Erwin Ackerman and Isabel Ackerman. We decided to name our children after the two most important people in our lives. Levi wanted to name our daughter our best friend, who helped us through the hardest moments in the Underground. Even though we didn't have the best living conditions, we made the best of it with Isabel's optimism.

It did make us sad that our children would never know their grandparents, but we would make sure that we would tell our children stories about them to get to know our parents in that way.

Levi and I would make sure to make the world a safe and happy place for our family.

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