New joinee

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Students were talking about Dev everywhere
He can be described as 6 feet 1 inch tall and his chiseled features and piercing eyes... anyone who looked at him will not be able to forget his face...

He joined in the final year from a different college and city...looks like his parents got transferred from there...

Dev gets this thought often  " I must find and protect her... I couldn't do hit the last time but I have to do it now and keep up the promise given to her father"... but he couldn't interpret what it was about...

(Story told by Dev now)

I am quite a popular guy because of my appearance and girls would always want to flirt with me...though I am not much interested and I would keep it to myself concentrating on studies and sports...

In my 18th year birthday I had a dream of myself telling that I have to protect the princess from an evil person and I should even give up my life if I have to...the girls' face was not clear in the dreams...
First I thought it was funny and that I am watching too much of movies...I have been living in US with an immigrant parents.. I have been visiting India for vacations and I have never been to those places that came in my dreams but somehow I realized that I know it is in was weird because you can't see the places in your dreams if you have never been to...

Day by day the thoughts became stronger and I believed I went crazy.. that girls' voice and smile came reappearing in my dreams and I had a strong pull towards her even though I didn't know her...I had to see the doctors but they couldn't find anything wrong with me... that's when one of my fathers' friend was talking about remembering previous life in this life and I started researching on that... I started reading books in library and watching YouTube videos and came to know more about that..

I am now convinced that I was somehow related to this girl in my previous life and the place I saw in my dreams was the one that I lived in my previous life...

I told my parents about this and they thought I was gone mad... I told them that this is making me mad and I have to find out the truth...I said I had to go to India and I will continue my studies there...they were hesitant at first but agreed atlast...

So here I am staying at my grandparents...
I searched for the girl in different cities and places for the past 2 years continuing my studies in different schools and colleges... I couldn't find her anywhere... I was about to give up hope and return back... then I saw her...

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