Please come back

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Manu got up the next morning with puffed and red eyes. She felt awful. Her face looked like a withered flower because of the crying last night. But she had to go to college to meet Dev. It was a Friday. If she doesn't go to college today, she cannot meet him until Monday. She thought to herself "I had only seen him a few times but I miss him like I have known him for years."

She got ready in a hurry and went outside to catch the bus. When she reached college, her eyes wandered around everywhere searching for him. He was nowhere to be found. But she felt hopeful and thought that she can meet him in the cafeteria.

She didn't remember meeting her friends in the class or how the classes went. All she could think was to meet him during the lunch break. She didn't know which class he is in, so she had to wait for him.

Finally, the much-expected lunch break arrived. She took a deep breath and entered the canteen. Her heart twitched when she saw the empty space where Dev used to sit all the time.

She saw the girl Deepika sitting in her usual place. She went and approached her. Deepika although knows that Manu is coming her way, she didn't turn her head. Manu didn't know her name. She called "Excuse me"

Deepika turned and had a quizzical expression on her face.Manu cleared her throat and asked, "Where is Dev?"

Deepika said, "I don't know...he didn't come to class... You should probably know because you two seem to be so close". She didn't wait for her to answer and turned her head to talk to her friends. Manu couldn't bring herself to ask more questions and walked back.

She felt a lump in her throat. Did Dev leave for good? Did he go back to the US just because I refused to meet him yesterday? What If I cannot meet him at all? How foolish am I? I could have at least said goodbye to him if he was leaving for good. Did he come yesterday to tell me that?

She felt hot tears forming in her eyes. I don't know where his house is. I don't know his cell phone number or any contact details. Should I go and ask Deepika for that? Already she turned a cold shoulder. Should I wait until Monday? Ohh...I feel dizzy...
Suddenly everything blacked out...
When I opened my eyes, I was leaning on Diyas's shoulder... Neela looked at me with concern and said "you look horrible... Here have some water and eat the lunch..."then I remembered I didn't eat breakfast today morning... Sleep deprivation and hunger caused me to faint... I felt ashamed for fainting in front of everybody... Oh this Dev... "Where the hell did he go?please come back... I will not ignore you ever again and I will do anything you want me to"...with a heavy heart I leaned on Diya's shoulder again...

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