Long night

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(Dev talking)

After coming home I just went to my room.. My grand parents went to a function...

I closed the door and was contemplating on what happened today...

Why did I go there first of all? I couldn't leave when I found out she is sick... when she hugged me, it was like a bunch of rose flowers touching my body...my body shivered a little bit...

She is so beautiful... her smile was lighting her entire face up and her eyes was like that of a puppy dog... so soft and affectionate...her voice is so sweet and melodious

It turned out like I couldn't spend my rest of my life without her...it is so weird because this is the first time I am meeting her but it looked like I have known her for a long time and waiting for her for several years...

Again the yearning feeling overcame me and I felt sad suddenly ... I don't know why I am feeling this way as well... all the emotions become so strong whenever I meet her and I couldn't control myself...

But how to find out that this is the girl I am searching for... I can't even see the girl's face clearly on my dreams...

I tried to eat something at night and ate a little and went to bed...

"A girl who seemed to be a princess, even though her attire is so simple it adorned her,and walking along a path full of leaves and sticks... though I see only the back of her, I knew she was smiling...I was appreciating her flawless beauty..she was talking in her sweet melodious voice "Look at that flower... it is so beautiful"...

suddenly she made an exclamation sound "aaaah" and was holding her left leg... I rushed towards her"...

She was holding her left leg and she was bleeding...

"Let me help you"... Dev said
"No no it's ok" Manu said
"I have to take a look" Dev said
"No no it's nothing"... I will take care" Manu said
I looked at the little tears coming out of her eyes... I pulled her left leg  and kept on my lap and started examining... a big thorn pricked her foot and it was bleeding... there was also star like red mole on the leg...
I picked some herbal leaves and crushed and put it on her foot...I tied with a piece of cloth and said it is going to be ok....

I woke up from my dream and I tried to recollect my dreams... I remember a star shaped mole on the girl's left leg.. now I know how to confirm if it is the same girl...
I couldn't sleep after that and I thought I will take a walk outside...
It was early in the morning around 3AM I can see it is still dark outside... I started walking and thinking to myself "what is the purpose of me meeting this girl? She has been on my mind like for around 2 years... how would I have known her? Was I a prince in my previous birth ? Suddenly a shadow like figure which I cannot see appeared a little far from me.... It was talking in a  Mysterious tone... it said " go to saharpur palace... you will find out the answers "... terrified I turned and started walking fast towards my house... it was around 4:30 AM and went and lied down on my bed...

I had a disturbed sleep after that and got nightmares... morning when I woke up..after I got ready to go to college...my grandma made breakfast ready on the table... "Beta come and have it" my grandma and grandpa welcomed cheerfully to sit on the table...they were happy to be with me at last since my parents have been living in US for more than 20+ years....
I remembered what the shadowed figure said to me and questioned them about the saharpur palace...they had a look of horror on their faces...

Grandpa said "who told u abt that place? Many say It is haunted... it belonged to one of our ancestors but no one goes there... it is dangerous"
I said "ok ok... one of my friends it is a nice palace to visit... so asked"
Grandpa "yes it is a nice and big palace but it is not safe to go near that palace... so just forget about it"
I said "ok got it... I am not bringing up that topic again... but how do I find answers to my questions" I thought to myself "I need to talk to someone in college and know about this place"

I had breakfast and started leaving to college...I looked at myself in the mirror for sometime.. combed my hair several times and thought would she like this hairstyle? I was wondering why I am doing this? I never concentrated much on my physical appearance and was always following just a healthy lifestyle...

While walking to the bus stop I felt like someone is following me, when I turned no one was there...oh what is this? Another new mystery in my life... already people think I am mad and this now...
When I entered my class room, a girl who is eyeing me all the time motioned towards me to sit with her... I got to know her name is Deepika...but I am not interested in anything now other than to know the purpose of me meeting Manu...

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