First touch

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(Dev's POV)

Oh crap, she is approaching me... what do I do? Should I just ignore her? Had I not expected this very meeting to happen?

Come on Dev... collect yourself and ask her what you want...

(Manu's POV)

As I started approaching him I realized, I was actually attracted and started walking toward him. It is not my anger that is making me approach him but rather attraction. I felt a beautiful girl sitting near him eyeing me up and down but I ignored it. I felt a little jealous thinking what is she doing sitting with him?

As I approached, I almost felt I am in a trance.
I went nearby and cleared my throat.
He got up and held my hand. I couldn't say "No". I just went outside holding his hand.

(Dev talking)

As soon as she approached me, something made me get up and I just felt the urge of holding her hands. It felt like I have been doing this long ago and now I am waiting to do this in this life.So I took her soft hands and led her outside.


Their conversation outside...

Dev was looking at Manu for some time. Manu was looking down. Dev got the unbearable yearning feeling again. He looked at her for how long, he didn't know.

Someone passed by looking oddly at them and clearing their throat. Both of them came to this world.

Manu - "Please don't look at me like that. It creeps me out"
Dev - "I...I am sorry... I didn't mean to do it
.It is as though I am possessed by something when you are near me"
M- (she gathered courage) "Look actually I have to say something to you. I cannot meet you anymore. I have to concentrate on my studies and take care of my mom"
D - "ok..what does it have to do with our meeting"
M- "I can't say why. after you entered my life everything seems so dizzy and I feel like I am going insane"
Dev thinks "How can I say that it is as though I have been waiting for her my whole life"
Manu kept on talking "I just don't want to end this on a bad note. Let us shake hands and not see each other again. I cannot bear this torture. Who are you first of all? Why did you come to my home? Do you know me before? Ok, let's end this".
she stretched her hands.
Dev thinks "She is asking 'who are you to me. But I feel like she is everything to me. How can I go on with my life without seeing her...

Dev stretched his hands and firmly shook her hands. Tears welled up in Manu's eyes without her being aware. Suddenly a bolt of lightning followed by a thunderstorm struck and Manu ran and hugged Dev. She rested her head where his heart is and she could hear the loud beating of his heart. She closed her eyes and let the moment sink in.

His body was warm in spite of how cold the weather is outside. Dev forgot why he wanted to meet Manu and at that moment he wanted to be there for her. He kept his right hand on her head and left hand wrapped around her shoulders as if to protect her and his lips mumbling "It's ok". He hugged her very softly as if her delicate body would break in his strong hands.

They didn't know how long they were standing that way and since lunch break was over, everybody went inside. They were alone in that deserted college corridor. They forgot they were in school and that they are civilized people and there could be anyone passing that way.

She felt comfort in his warm hug and he felt the need to protect her at that moment. Time froze.

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