Locked gaze

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(Manusri talking now)

I went to the canteen after having my morning classes with my friends... we are not a popular girls gang in the school but I have good set of friends with whom I can confide in anything...
I was chitchatting about the classes and what to have for lunch...

My friend Diya suddenly brought this topic up "Hey have u seen a new boy in our school.. he is in our senior year... why would anyone want to come from US to India to continue his studies... I have heard only people going from India to US.. everybody says he looks very attractive but he seems mostly reserved and not talking much to anybody" I thought may be he has his own reasons...

We got our food and sat down at a table... I was about to eat my food when my friend nudged me and whispered in my ears "hey Manu.. don't look up suddenly now but this guy I think the new guy is staring at you... he looks very hot though"

As a reflex I suddenly looked up and my heart skipped a beat... he was staring intensely at me and his eyes "Oh my God"... it was piercing through my soul and his pupils looked dilated... was he attracted to me? No way... our eyes locked for few seconds... I couldn't bear the intense of his gaze and I lowered my eyes down...

My heart was pounding fast and loud that even someone near me can hear it... I suddenly got up and ran outside to catch my breath... my brain thinking "what is this ? Why am I feeling this way? Why would he want to look at me like that? Why do I have this feeling that I know him already?This feeling was outside of this world and it was hard to  describe in words"

I didn't dare to go inside after that...

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