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"When you get shot, you lose blood. When you are dying, you need blood. But when in war, you give blood" - Dr. Michels

With the moon rising over the horizon, our shift was almost over, and me and my boys stayed for a bit of extra work. I'm a medic, working for The Medicamentum, only the best medical force there is to the entire galaxy, and what am I doing here you may ask? I'm working on a cure for the LM-4567 Virus, the one that turns anyone into those beings we call The Furries. The pays good, I'll tell you that, but we all know the reason for that. Medical Outposts like this one are known to be raided by Willbuxia's enemies, The Deformed, and it causes us to lose loads of research and medical supplies, cures like this being one of them. I get a bit nervous from this once and a while, but I wanted this job, and as long as I have someone by my side, I'll be good. While working, the door to the room I was in opens, and behind it I could see my friend, Rocco

"Hey James, what are you doing?" Rocco asks me in a bit of an exhausted voice

"Just making a serum. You sound tired, everything alright?" I ask back, still keeping my eyes on my work

"I'm fine, but this overtime things really getting on me. I'm losing my sleep here James" Rocco says, slowly sitting down on a chair

"I'm tired too, but people back home are depending on us to make these cures and vaccines so they can be healthy"

"Well honestly, I wouldn't want to be them" Rocco says

"Why not?" I ask

"Why not? Come on James! There are billions of people who are part of the Willbuxian empire, most of which being citizens and soldiers. They're forced to live in disgusting polluted planets living the same lives everyday. Nobody wants that" Rocco explained to me

"I know nobody wants that, but the empire can't provide everything for everybody, not with what's going on now" I said

"I know, but just pains you don't it?" Rocco asked, and I looked at him and gave a slow nod. I looked back at my work, and the door opened again and in came my two there friends. Avesta and Hank. Avesta was the only girl in our friend group, and was once a heretic, but that was before we cured her. And Hank was once in The Supreme Army, but retired from it to join The Medicamentum.

"You guys still doing this overtime shit?" Avesta asked

"What does it look like?" I said

"Hey I'm only in it for the pay" Rocco said

"So you done with the vaccines?" Hank asked me

"Pretty much, now all there is to do is call the shippers and give this stuff to them to give to everyone" I said

"That's wonderful" Before packing the vaccines, I walked over to the phone near the wall and dialed the shipping companies number

"This is Medicamentum Station B-12, we have samples of the LM-4567 Vaccine here. We need a shipping vessel at our location now" I said

"Copy that B-12, ETA 20 minutes for the ship to arrive" A voiced from the other side of the line said, and hearing that I hung up the phone

"Alright, we got 20 minutes. Someone help me pack these things" I said, and we all loaded the vaccines into the boxes, but midway something happened. In the room there was a computer, and a small red light began turning on and off. I walked over to the computer and logged into it, looking through the rift feed

"What do we have?" Hank asked

"Looks like the rift sensors picked up something. Seems to be a rift to the Here-Dimension" I said

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