Ash Ketchum (Satoshi) X Reader |Appreciation|

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Sounds of fire and thunder filled the air, and the cheering voices of spectators echoed throughout the stadium, there was a tough battle taking place, "Dragonite use flamethrower again!" a black figure with shadowed features shouted, "Pikachu! counter it with thunderbolt!!" a trainer with dark black hair and brown eyes ordered, Pikachu's fur glowed with electricity and a powerful clash between the two attacks caused the entire stadium to shake, everyone was watching in anticipation and waiting for the smoke to clear.

"Dragonite fainted, it's Pikachu's win and therefore the winner is Satoshi from Masara Town! congratulations on becoming the world's first pokemon master!" the referee announced.

In an instant, the battlefield was filled with cheers of celebration, the boy was jumping in place with his pokemon and yelling out their victory "WE DID IT!! WE DID IT PIKACHU!! I'M SO HAPPY", tears were streaming down his face, he didn't believe he finally achieved his dream, he raised his hands to greet the audience, the people around them were clapping, some even throwing flowers into the air as they cheered on the winner, in his hands, Satoshi held Pikachu who was smiling up at him, "Thank you.. Pikachu" he whispered as he embraced it.

Suddenly, Pikachu's beautiful yellow fur turned black, and the gentle smile on its face was replaced with a wicked one, "Pikachu??" eyes widened in shock as his body started to tremble, and accidentally dropping off Pikachu, he walked a few steps backward while staring at his ex-partner in horror, "Pi.. Pikachu, what's wrong?" his voice was shaking when he fell to the ground, Pikachu's expression changed to a glare full of hatred and anger, then it jumped up and fired a powerful thunder attack toward him.

Satoshi screamed as he fell off the bed, a faint smell of burnt stinging his nostrils, he landed on the floor with a thud and rolled over onto his back, groaning loudly in pain, he looked up to see his partner back to normal, no black fur nor wicked smiles anymore, although it seemed kind of angry with its arm crossed for a reason he didn't know, "Pika pi! pika pika pikachu!" Pikachu scolded its trainer as it held the alarm clock in its small hands, only then Satoshi did recall everything, he sighed in relief knowing that what he experienced was a nightmare, Pikachu probably used thunderbolt on him to wake him up so he wasn't actually in danger, but the relieved expression soon turned into a frightened one as he recognized the time on the clock, "7:30?!! OH NO I WILL BE LATE!!" he cried out as he shot up, throwing himself towards his closet and grabbing his uniform, quickly running to the bathroom to change.

After he finished, he hurriedly went downstairs where his mother was getting breakfast ready, he stopped in front of her and greeted her with a shining smile "Good morning mama!", she turned to look at him, although his uniform was fine, his hair was still messy and he was panting heavily, she gave him an amused grin before replying "Good morning Satoshi".

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" he asked as he received the little lunchbox from her hands, "Didn't someone say that (I'm an adult now so I can wake up on my own from now on!) yesterday?" she replied while mimicking his voice tone and posture, he scratched his neck sheepishly "Oh yeah.. I said that..", "Pika pi!" Pikachu jumped on his shoulder, it looked worried.

Satoshi suddenly remembered "OH YES SCHOOL" he stuffed the lunchbox into the bag and rushed outside, "Have a nice day at school dear!" the mother waved her hand as she watched her son leave.

The sky was clear blue, with little clouds dotted around. it wasn't exactly warm yet, but still, the light breeze made everything around rustle, you could see flying type pokemon roaming the sky freely, you always loved flying types, aside from the fact that they are strong, you thought they looked elegant.

You sighed as you looked at the time on your phone, "he is late.." you leaned your back against the tree while staring at your phone screen, you closed your eyes, taking deep breaths of fresh air and recalling your boyfriend's face, although he promised to accompany you to school today, he didn't show up on time.

Various pokemon trainers X reader (gender neutral) One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now