Ash ketchum (Satoshi) X reader|Unbreakable connection|

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As I gradually regained consciousness, I noticed myself crying and shaking uncontrollably, realizing that what just happened was a bad dream, I sighed in relief and began to calm down.

My eyes which adjusted to the darkness scanned around the room quickly before landing on the open window and loose curtains next to my bed.

The moon which always shines brightly, today was hiding somewhere behind the swarms of clouds.

It's said that sleeping in a colder temperature provides a good sleeping experience, but if it was colder than necessary, nightmares will view it as an invitation to come and show you something upsetting.

Whatever, I'm too tired to get up, I'm not closing that window!

Close by yourself, Mr.window! Learn some manners!

As I was busy shouting nonsense in my head, I heard knocking on the door.

Knock Knock Knock

"(Y/N)? are you awake?"

I instantly recognized this voice, It was none other than Satoshi, but why is he here? Isn't he supposed to be asleep by now?

I didn't answer, I just stared at the door blankly like a Slowpoke, still processing what was going on before I heard Satoshi on the other side.

Satoshi whose patience has run out turned the doorknob and said "I'm entering"

The moment our eyes met, he gasped, and at the speed of light, he was next to me, wiping the tears which I totally forgot about off my face while asking in concern.

"(Y/N), it was horrible, wasn't it? I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up, you must have felt very confused and scared"

I never blamed him in the first place, he doesn't have to comfort me every time I have a nightmare, I could manage on my own.

But I doubt that's how Satoshi sees it, although I'm the one who had the nightmare, he seems to be in pain too.

In normal circumstances, we sleep next to each other, but since we are assisting Sakuragi-san with pokemon research, we have to sleep in separate rooms.

I personally didn't like it, but it can't be helped so I just went with it, but when it comes to Satoshi...

He was very concerned about me not being able to sleep well, he repeatedly asked whether I would be fine, to which I always answered "I will be fine!"

He didn't seem convinced, but he didn't want to pressure me so the conversation ended with a nod from him at that time.

After he finished cleaning my face with a tissue, he pulled me into his arms and stroked my head for a while, his slender fingers combing my hair gently.

His head rested lightly on mine, and he was breathing steadily as he hummed, this was very soothing, and I felt calm after some time has passed.

It was me who broke the hug first, I raised my head to look at him and spoke for the first time since he came here.

"How did you know I wasn't feeling well?"

"How did I know...?"

He was taken aback by my question, Satoshi showed a troubled face as he seemed to recall what happened a few minutes ago.

Don't tell me...

Satoshi himself doesn't know?

I stared at him with no expectations, it's alright if he doesn't know, I'm happy he is here.

But he can't stay for too long, he has to go to sleep at some point, I was about to thank him and send him back to his room but he was faster than me.

His lips curled into a gentle smile as he whispered, his hand fiddling with my fingers and eyes gazing down.

Various pokemon trainers X reader (gender neutral) One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now