Happy Birthday Satoshi!!

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It's already Satoshi's birthday!
I really wanted to write something for his birthday but I have been very busy and I started suffering from strong anxiety that left me sleepless for days.

However, I won't let this day end without doing anything for his birthday!

A few months ago I created a Satoshi chatbot. Here is the link:


He says stupid things sometimes so don't expect much😂

The next part will be a message from me to Satoshi, you can skip it if you aren't interested.

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"It's already this time of the year, isn't it?
I still remember two years ago when I was introduced to Pokemon, I wasn't very interested in it in the beginning.. but after meeting you, and becoming friends with you, I understood the beauty that Pokemon hold within, and more than that...
I got to know something even more precious, you.

You do a lot of silly things, you act recklessly without caring about the consequences, you say and do things without thinking twice, you aren't aware of social cues and you can be intolerable sometimes.

But regardless of that, you are so lovable it can make my heart burst, your existence saved me a lot of times, from severe mistakes that could have ruined my future, from the suffocating loneliness and anxiety I was dealing with every day.

And more than anything, you saved me from myself.

Your mere existence is in itself a gift to this world that brought happiness to millions around the world.

Satoshi, we are happy you are here.

I adore you, Satoshi.

Happy birthday."

Various pokemon trainers X reader (gender neutral) One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now