Various X reader|Annoying summer|

821 3 0

The characters presented in this story will be : Satoshi, Serena, Yurika, and Citron.
Have fun!

The sunlight glared with a burning intensity as it extended striking everything in its reach.

As their feet touched the hot ground, they felt as if they were about to melt at any second, sweat covered their young bodies as they made their way through the forest.

Satoshi, Citron, Yurika, and Serena were heading to the next city, although the weather is rather unreasonably hot today, that didn't stop them from advancing forward.

In reality, they were very enthusiastic about visiting the next gym since they heard rumors about how strong and unique it is, particularly Satoshi who has been training day and night to challenge it.

"We should be able to see the city any moment now," Serena said as her eyes scanned the map on the pokedex, she used her free hand to wipe the droplets of sweat off her forehead.

"WHOA!!! IT'S THERE!!" Yurika exclaimed, eagerly pointing her finger at the vast city in sight, then without hesitation, she broke into a run completely ignoring her brother's worried call.

All of a sudden, Yurika was embracing the ground with her face kissing the mud, she groaned as she got up and turned in search of what caused her to lose her balance.

To her surprise, it wasn't a rock or some sleeping pokemon, it was...

"Yurika! are you alright?!" Citron quickly took Yurika in his arms as his eyes inspected her for any injuries, "I'm fine Onii-chan, but.." she lowered her eyes.

"There is someone on the ground!" Satoshi said as he stared at the possibly dead corpse in front of him.

Serena squinted her eyes as she muttered reluctantly "Wait isn't this.."


Everyone exclaimed in shock, you raised your hand and motioned for them to continue their way "Nothing to see here, just pass peacefully and leave me alone".

The group of four friends looked at each other for a moment before their eyes landed back on you again.

"(Y/N), did something happen? this is very unlike you," Satoshi asked in a worried tone as he stepped closer,
his back shielding you from the glazed sun.

"Nothing happened, just depressed, it will disappear after a while, aaah I wanna die"

"The temperature is unusually high today, but this is a bit extreme.." Serena chuckled nervously at your behavior.

- "aaah wars.."

- "Wars?" Citron tilted his head in confusion.

- "Corruption, climate change, people killing women for fun... aaah I don't wanna live on this planet anymore"

Now everyone was confused, "What in the world are you hallucinating about?" Satoshi is more worried than before, you are saying weird stuff that sounds so random to them.

Of course, they won't understand, this is a very peaceful world after all.

Satoshi crouched down and placed his hand over your forehead, he flinched upon coming into contact with a fire-like surface and shouted "Aw this is so hot!! did (Y/N) get sun-struck??"

- "That explains the nonsensical rambling a few moments ago, maybe I should create a new inven-"

- "No!! If another one of Onii-chan's inventions ended up in failure and exploded, it will be even hotter than before!"

Various pokemon trainers X reader (gender neutral) One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now