Chapter 20

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It was the next day, Raven was walking through the corridor greeting her fellow team mates in the process, as she pulled someones hood other their head and then did a handshake with the others before going to her own locker, the girl lent against ...

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It was the next day, Raven was walking through the corridor greeting her fellow team mates in the process, as she pulled someones hood other their head and then did a handshake with the others before going to her own locker, the girl lent against her locker, knowing full well her basketball would have rolled forwards she lightly punched the locker before opening it. As the girl got out her books she turned to look at a photo of herself and Brady on the beach, oh how she wished for surfing right now, the freedom of the waves, the endless nothing, not needing to have a plan. However her thoughts were quickly interrupted when the locker door slammed closed, making her jump backwards.

"Hi, Raven!" The sound came from an annoying, over the top, blonde self absorbed brat, Sharpay Evans. RJ gasped as she lent back into her locker, having been scared half to death, "I realised I haven't offered my congratulations."

Raven assumed the blonde walking attention seeking drama queen was on about the basketball game, "oh, thank you. I'm glad the season's over, so..."

Sharpay lets out a sigh with a fake smile, "I didn't mean basketball, silly! I meant Brady." She told the basketball player.

"What?" The girl asked confused.

"Him missing the show is a little disappointing, but being selected for Stanford's honours program, that is amazing for him and for Tree Hill." The drama queen stated as she just kept on talking as Raven looked at her as if she was on another planet.

Ravens face was a mix of confusion, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Sharpay took out a piece of paper from her bag as if she just had it ready, "everyone else does. The whole school's buzzing." Raven took the piece of paper from her that had a picture of Bradys face on it, "the honourees spend time with Stanford's top professors starting next week."

"Next week?" Raven said but kind of asked at the same time.

Sharpay nodded a she pointed to an area on the page, "look, right there." a fake expression crawled its way onto her face, "you really didn't know? Ok, this is a little awkward. I guess him not telling you means that he's on the fence about it." Raven looked up from the piece of paper to the girl in front go her, "but who better than RAVEN SCOTT to encourage him to accept the honour? Since the only thing possibly holding her back would" The basketball player felt like the air had left her lungs, before she could respond the bombshell was walking off, "well, I'll see you at rehearsal. Toodles."

The basketball player was left standing in the in the hall way, not knowing what to do.

The two teens had arranged to meet that night, at their usual spot by the lifeguard tower, the two had made themselves comfortable, they had set up blankets and pillows as they watched the sunset, they had snacked on pizza and cookie dough, both feeling extremely full as they watched the water go in and out.

Raven didn't know how to approach the conversation, "so here the thing..." she said getting Brady's attention, "your freshman honours program at Stanford..."

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