
423 13 7

A little weird
Watermelons if ya know what I mean
Mentions private parts and cuss

Scaramouche was in the schools science lab, making some potions he was told to do. He was gonna make fire that could change colours. He was pouring in some liquids and added some chemicals to the cup. He was focusing hard until one of his classmates, Arataki Itto came by.

"Hey Scaramouche! Drink this! It will do something really cool!" He said holding up a cup with rainbow colours. Scaramouche looked away in hesitation. He didnt want to drink something that looked so suspicious.

"No thanks, I dont want too"

"Cmon! I promise! You will turn into a human, since ur a puppet ya know.."

"Bitch? I beg your fricking pardon?" Scaramouche asked staring concerned at Itto.

"Please, for me!" Itto said with puppy eyes. Scaramouche sighed annoyed and snatched the cup out of Ittos hand.

"Its not like its gonna do anything.." Scaramouche said as he chugged the potion in one go. Itto looked head to toe at Scaramouche.

"Did it do the trick?" He asked excited.

People came to Scaramouches table concerned wondering if Ittos potion had worked.

"I literally feel nothing, I told you. It's not gonna work, now leave me be.." Scaramouche said turning back to his work. Itto walked away sadly as everyone went back to their work.

A 2 hours passed and school was almost done. They had 3 more classes.

"I'm going to the restroom guys, I'll be right back.." he said going to the restrooms. He went to the boys restroom and went into a stall. When he closed the door, you could hear a scream.

"Where the fuck is my dick?!" He shouted whispered. He looked around on his body. He continued doing what he had to do as he flushed the toilet and went to wash his hands. That's when he saw himself in the mirror. He saw to round things hanging on his chest.

"What the.."

He touched himself on the chest and felt some uncomfortable. It was soft, but it didn't feel flat either. It was like a lump.

"What..on..EARTH?!" He shouted in the restroom. He panicked extremely much. 2 boys barged into the restroom worried.

"Bro are you alright?!" One of them asked. It was Bennett and Heizou. Scaramouche covered his chest while he was almost on the urge of crying.

"Are you alright?" Heizou asked.

"I'm fine, I just uhh, sticked my finger.."

"So why are you covering your chest and.. your ughaurgh?" Bennett asked scratching his neck.

"What the hell is a ughaullaur or what the fuck it's called?" Heizou asked turning around slowly looking at Bennett in his eyes.

"Can you guys just.. leave?" Scaramouche asked softly.

"But we must know what is going on and why yo-"

"Aye bitch, when a bro needs his time. You give it to him ya hear me?" Heizou said pulling Bennetts ear bringing his with him, out of the restroom.

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