chapter 3

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"How was it?" Christine screams as she walks into Este's house. James follows her and listens to the girls talk. It's the day after Este met Sebastian aka a 'celebrity' and her best friend wants to know everything about it.

"It was amazing. I had a wonderful time with him and Rhea of course. We clicked immediately about our love for Taylor and well he was just super funny and nice."

"Ah that's so cool! I'm happy for you!"

"Thanks Chris. How are you James?"

"Yeah I'm good thank you for asking."

"Of course. Do y'all want anything to drink?"

"Coke please" Christine says.

"Same" James says after and they both sit down. James is basically one of the girls, but he is actually straight and dating Christine. Yeah you would think Este would be third wheeling but it's more like James third wheeling. Most of the time Rhea is there too so it's cool.

Este comes back with three cokes, sets them down and goes to sit next to Christine who was already waiting for her to return from the kitchen.

"So what did you guys do yesterday?"

"Finally convinced him to watch mamma mia with me. He loved it."

"Absolutely not! I hated it."

"He is just in his denial phase. We are gonna watch the second movie tonight aren't we babe?"

"Another one?" James says looking like he wants to die.

"Yes! I watched 23 Marvel movies with you so stop crying."

"I agree with Christine."

"Of course you do, you never side with me Este!"

"It's because I am always right babe" Christine says while she laughs.

Este's phone beeps and she sees a notification from instagram. She ignores it and continues the conversation but it happens again and again. The fourth time she finally picks up her phone and sees she has some new followers.

"Guys, why did half of the Hearstopper cast just follow me?"

"What! Who?"

"Joe, Corinna, Will, oh and now Kit too."

"Girl Rhea must have said something because this is suspicious behavior."

"I know right. Oh now Yaz and Cormac. Only Tobie, Jenny and Kizzy haven't followed me yet."

"Give it a minute" James says. He is indeed right because a few seconds later the last three people also follow her.

"Wait, I'm gonna call Rhea because this is weird shit."

It takes a few seconds for Rhea to answer but she eventually does. She has a lot of makeup on and is in clothes she normally wouldn't wear.



"Why did everyone of your castmates just follow me on instagram?"

"Oh yeah Bash just told them about you. Guess they all looked up your instagram and decided to follow you."

"Who's that?" Este hears a voice say in the background.

"Oh that's Este do you wanna say hi?"

"Of course!"

Este sees a beautiful girl come onto her screen who she recognises to be Corinna.

"Hello Este!"


"I'm Corinna! I play Tara."

"Nice to meet you Corinna."

Now a boy comes into the scream. He is very pretty and she immediately realizes it's Kit.

"Say hi too Este."

"Helloooo" Kit says as he smiles at her.


"Oh we are getting called. I have to go Este but I'll see you soon bye!"

With that Rhea hangs up and Este lays her phone down.

"You didn't even show them to me" Christine says.

"Yeah sorry, I didn't even notice that."

"It's alright. Kit looked cute."

"Christine!" James says, fake offended that his girlfriend said that.

"He did look cute, yeah."


First ever Este x Kit interaction,

How we feeling????

𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒆𝒍 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 - kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now