chapter 6

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In the morning Este wakes up next to Rhea. Her head is pounding but she is still smiling brightly. She had the best night yesterday and is still reminiscing it. Everyone was so nice, she felt very welcomed.

"Goodmorning" Este mumbles to see if Rhea is already awake.


"It's your birthday today."

"Hmm I know."

"Aren't you excited?"

"Of course I am, I just need to wake up first."

"Well do it fast because I have a lot of things planned for today. I suppose your parents would like to see you too."

"Soooo you and Kit?"

"What about me and Kit?"

"You seemed to be enjoying yourselves yesterday."

"He was nice, yes, but so were the others. Are you trying to set me up with him or something?"


"Rhea let's not do that alright? He is very pretty and funny but I've literally seen him once. I talked to him the least of everyone yesterday so it's not like we have had many conversations. Besides, he wouldn't even be interested in me."



"He stalked your instagram and said you were pretty. So he is interested in you."

"Yeah, well finding someone pretty is different than actually being interested in someone."

"I think you're just saying that because you hate liking someone who you know it can actually work with. Every time a person likes you back or is interested, you chicken out and try to convince me it's not like that. Do you want a significant other or not? You could just try it out with Kit."

"Maybe you're right but it's all a little early Rhea. I don't even know if I really like him that way. How can I? I've seen the guy once!"

"True, but I just want you to take a chance on him. He is a really sweet and good guy which is exactly what you need."

"Yeah well I'm not texting him."

"Check your phone, he probably already did himself.΅

To Este's surprise she was actually right. He did send her a dm.

"See? He is interested!"

"Alright! How do I respond?"

"What did he say?"

"He asked if I had some Taylor recommendations because he loved Cruel Summer."

"Stop, he is smooth."

"He is, yeah, I'll send some of my favorites."

"Okay but after that you are gonna lay down your phone and give me attention because it is still my birthday."



Este making Kit a swiftie,

how cute!

𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒆𝒍 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 - kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now