number one

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It has been few years since me, Manny, Diego and Sid returned the baby to his family, or better to his father. Not much happened from then, we just setled and stayed there until now. But my relationship with the mammoth, saber and sloth changed. 

Manny became like my brother I never had, at least I think I never had. 

Diego, oh this saber became my most best best friend, the one that is always teasing me and I him back, the one I use to fight over nothing but end up with laugh, the one I can share even my worse thoughts. 

And Sid, well, Sid is Sid. He's the stupid one, but always makes me laugh. He does stupid things that can make you mad at him but cheer you up, depends on what he did and what situation you are in, but he's still my best friend. 

And oh, I forgot to mention I still have the necklake the father of the kid gave us. When I look at it, i remember how our heard started.

We never separated. At first we traveled, but then we setled and now, Diego, Manny and I are making our way over to kids as I overheard they are gonna bury Sid and as it usually is, we have to save him from those demons. 

"Hey, whoa. Who said you kids could torture the sloth?" Manny was first to ask, bringing their attention to us as Diego stood beside Manny, me standing on Manny's tusk, like ususal.

"Manny, don't squash their creativity." Diego smirked up at Manny and as always I have to add something to it.

"Yeah, Diego's right. Hey kids, if you wanna bury him, you should wait till he's dead and then make original funereal. I'll be very honored to come." Dramaticaly putting my paw on my chest, I high fived with Diego as we began to giggle, not able to hold our amusement. 

Manny hit me over head with his trunk, getting from me "Ow." as I rubbed my head, glaring at my step like brother. Through the years I got better at keeping my balance and managed to take few steps just on my hind legs, but still have trouble with that. I even asked Sid how he does that, but Sid's explaining cunfused me more than I already am.

"Hey, Manny, Diego, Rose, my bad mammals-jammals. Wanna give a sloth a hand?" Sid poped his head out the hole he is burried in, grinning happily at us and ignoring mine and Diego's teasing. Manny wrapped his trunk around Sid's long neck, pulling him out the hole and placing him beside us.

"Look, I opened my camp. "Campo del Sid". It means Camp of Sid." Sid grinned at Diego, waving his hand dramatically to show like effects. He told me once he likes kids and wanna open a camp, but I didn't think he would actually do it. This sloth is full of stupid surprises.

"Congratulations. You're now an idiot in two languages." Diego rolled his eyes at Sid's stupidity.

"Not in front of the k-i-d-z. These little guys love me. Right, Billy?" Sid whispered to Diego, then turning to Billy with grin on face, expecting Billy will say yes but the opposite is true.

"Don't make me eat you." Billy hissed up at Sid, narrowing his eyes at him as other kids laughed. Oh, he would be sick if he eat Sid.

"Nah, kid. I don't think you wanna do that. Your stomach would be grumpy for the rest of your life." I got grateful look from Sid with "Thanks, Rose.", not getting it wasn't compliment to save his ass, but to save the kid's ass. 

"They kid. That's why they're called kids." Sid just waved hand at it, smiling from ear to ear, or in sloth's situation from eye to eye.

"I told you, Sid. You're not qualified to run a camp." Manny scolded Sid, remembering him what he said and what I said to him.

"What do qualifications have to do with childcare?" Sid asked, not stoping his happy mood. I jumped down from Manny's tusk between the two of them.

"A lot, Sid." Completelly ignoring me, Sid continued.

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