number seven

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Last night was.......interesting.

Sid talked to Diego about fears, Manny pissed off Ellie, we almost died, Ellie and Manny got again along and this morning we woke up in pool of water where Diego jumped on my sleeping form and almost killed me, again. So we decided to move.

We came across a path that for some reason give me goosebumps. And I think I know why. The black birds which eats mainly little animals or dead meat were watching us from each our side. We just continued walking, trying to ignore them and get as fast to the boat as we can.

When my friends stopped to look at the birds, the black killing animals started singing and giving us hard time of continuing our way. We somehow ended up hanging of a branch and I'm surprised it's strong enough to hold our weight, especially with two heavy mammoths. 

Wait, no, it broke under us, scaring the disappointed birds away. Thankfully it's over with them, but Sid continued to sing their song which irritated all of us and finally I made him shut up by threatening to hang him up. And he knows I'm capable of that.

Walking up the hill, our faces lit up at the sight of the mentioned boat. So it is there. Our only salvation. Our little celebration was interrupt by geysers blowing before our eyes. And there's more. How are we supposed cross it without being killed? Well maybe me, possums and maybe even Sid and Diego can make it but Manny and Ellie? They are too big to not get hit by one. While I was thinking about how to get on the other side quickly, others argued, well Manny and Ellie did. 

"You are so stubborn and hard-headed." Manny told Ellie, not realizing he's the same. At least I think he's stubborn also.

"Well, I guess that proves it. I am a mammoth." A look of shock Ellie created on Manny's face, grabbing her brothers and putting them on her back while walking from where we came. Let's hope they make it on time.

"I don't know. Drowning sounds like a much gentler way to go. Blown to bits sounds so sudden." Commented Sid, looking after Ellie as Manny rushed forward. Pressing my lips together, I had to make Sid even more uncomfortable.

"Both of the ways are cruel, Sid. While blown is quick and painful for a while, drowning is more painful and slower. It will choke you for like a minute, depends on how long you can last, your head will pound and throat hurt. I don't know how about you, Sid, But I'd rather die quickly." If it were right time, I would've smirk and laugh but it's not. Sid gulped, his eyes even bigger I think they'll pop out.

"Now thinking about it, I think I'll agree with you." We rushed after Manny and Diego. Manny kept walking straight forward, the two of us catching up to Diego. Manny has so close to getting himself killed.

"He's going to get himself killed. Manny, wait." We tried to stop Manny, but he seems to ignore us, blinded by anger towards Ellie. Oh, those two stubborn mammoths. 

"Manny!" Yelling after I saw Manny being almost hit by one of the geysers, we ran to him as it knocked him out for few seconds. When we reached him, we tried to talk him to stand and run, but he looked fazed around like he can't hear us. When a look of realization took upon his face, I knew he perceives and stood up, running with us. 

I had to push Diego of the way before he was almost blown up and we made it at the other side, running to search for Ellie, Crash and Eddie. I jumped on heads and backs of animals I ignored if they mind or not, trying to find another mammoth and two possums, but there's not sight of them. I think they're not here yet.

"Manny, I can't find them!" Right after I told him this, an unwanted sound echoed through my ears. "And I think it's time." The ground under us started shaking, letting us know the ice broke and water rushed inside. If we don't find them and don't make it on the boat in time, it's our end. The animals started running, trying to get at the boat quickly.

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