number four

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We continued in our way after was decided and agreed Ellie, Crash and Eddie will join us. I, Manny, Diego and Sid are calmly walking along side, me of course sitting on Manny's tusk as I kept thinking if I'm really last of my kind. Now we know Manny isn't last of his kind, which I'm happy for him as I don't like seeing my friends sad, we know sabbers and sloths are still around, possums we have two, and weasels? There is just one walking in this world. At least I think.

Do I feel sad? No. Do I feel lonely? No. Do I feel like I should search for another weasel? Maybe. But when I think about it, being the last of my kind makes me somehow special, and like I said to Manny, I will try to live as long as I can. And you never know in this world. 

I sigh as I lean against Manny's tusk. We then see two bushes moving and hopping towards tree, then the two possums crawling from it and up at the dead tree, looking around. Crash then whistle and from behind the big rock comes Ellie, holding a small bush in her trunk and tail, thinking it can cover her body enough. We watch as she tries to hide, but the thin dead tree didn't cover even a half of her body. Manny groans.

"Aw. We'll never make it at this pace. Ellie, it's ok, you can lose the camouflage. You're safe." Manny calls to Ellie, who look around. Does she really believe that she's a possum? I suppose something happened in her past and was raised by possums and made it believe her she's a possum. Well, she should realize and know what she really is. 

"She believes she's a possum. You should talk to her and try to make her believe she's a mammoth. You somehow need to show her what she really is." I say to Manny as we then hear a thund after a hawk flew above our heads. Please no. My look is ._. as I watch Ellie, Crash and Eddie lying on their backs, pretending to be dead. Can somebody get them some help?

"Ellie, it's okay. Nothing is gonna hurt you or your brothers. You're safe." I assure Ellie as Manny and Sid argue with each other, Manny still being the grumpy mammoth he is since they joined us. Well, he always was.

"Oh, man. If you guys weren't here, that hawk would have swooped down and snatched me for dinner." Ellie tells us as she rolls on her legs and her brothers help her up. "That's how cousin Wilton went." I shared a look with Diego, not knowing how to react on this one.

"You should talk to her." Were my last words to Manny before I jumped from his tusk beside Sid and we continued in our way. I watch as Manny and Ellie talk, happy for them but the smile falls off my face as I feel like something is missing to me. Like the last piece of puzzle. No, it's just my mind playing. I don't need no one. I'm good on myself. I have my friends, that's all I need.

"Are you okay, Rosie?" Sid comes to my side, looking down at me. My eyes don't leave my two giant mammoth friends as I answer to Sid. "Yeah, Sid, I'm fine. Never been better." My voice is calm, but you can hear from it I don't want to talk with anyone and so he left me alone, not before giving me a confused look along with Diego's worried one.

___Time skip___

We found ourself walking through broken ice floating in the water. I'm last walking in the back on all four as I still have trouble to walk on two, not knowing what makes me feel so wierd. Is it because we might die if we don't make it to the ship or find out it's not even there? Or because I'm last of my kind? I don't know. I don't know anything. 

I don't even really know what do I feel. I feel happy for Manny, and still something negative. I don't know what is it. I never felt this way, and I don't want to feel like that. 

I shook my head to push away those feelings and thoughts, pushing myself on my two hind legs, steadying myself before walking carefully few steps. I always train like this, it's good tactic. Every while I'm becoming better and better, getting hint of it. Once I almost walked normal, like Sid, but kids running around bumbed into me and I fell, losing my balance. Still, I'm better at it then ever. 

I'm losing my balance, Crash and Eddie noticing it as they rush to me and caught me before I fell. They help me again steady myself, me holding onto their shoulders as each of them kept a hand on my back.

"Thanks, guys, but it's okay. This is always happening." I tell them, feeling relieved. This reminds me when Diego was helping me walk and when I was about to fall, he caught me and support me. He might look like dangerous murderous tiger, but he's really big softie. 

"You don't know how to walk on two legs?" Eddie look up at me with his brother, both of their faces created to show confusion. 

"Unfortunately, yes. I never knew how." I answer, after giving both of them a glance.

"How so?" Crash asks, making me think first if I should tell them, but what can I lose? Nothing.

"I don't remember my past. Nothing before I woke up lying in the snow. The only thing I remember is how I got my knife." Reaching behind my and taking out my tooth knife, the two possums woahed in awe at it. "Woah"

"How did you get it?" Ellie asked, who caught our conversation as I didn't realized we moved in front everyone and listened to us.

"Yeah, and who's tooth is that?" 

"And why is it so big?" The two brothers put questions, still like being in awe what I have. Opening my mouth, I was about to tell them the story when Manny suddenly called to Diego.

"Diego, there are whole continents moving faster than you. Let's go. We gotta catch up with the others." I noticed how Diego kept looking at the water. Is it a....fear? Is the fearless tiger afraid of water? Well, water can be scary but it's a normal thing. It's just water.

"Hey, let's slide it." Crash pointed to an ice created into side slide. 

"Eh, are you sure?" I ask, not really sure if it's time to have some fun.

"Yeah. Have fun till you're still young." 

"You live just once." They said one after one, having a point. Yeah, this is maybe the last time we're living, so why to waste it with worries. Let's have some fun.

"Alright. Race ya!" Running towards the slide, they both follow after me as we slide. It reminds me the first time me, Manny, Diego and Sid met when we were returning the baby and were slide racing to catch the baby. 

We laugh as we bumb into each other beside Ellie, not stopping our laugh. "Hey, knock it off. You could've hurt Rose." We stand up as Eddie leans against Ellie's leg, staring boringly at Diego. I fight the urge to roll my eyes at Diego. 

"Cry me a river, blubber-tooth tiger. Have some fun." Crash tells him, being annoyed by Diego.

"The ice is thin enough without you two wearing it down." He bicker back, looking at the ice. Yep, he's deffinitely afraid of water. The two brothers ignore him and rather continue walking with Manny and Ellie.

"Oh, Diego, come on. The ice may be thin but it's strong enough to hold a ten-ton mammoth and nine-ton possum." Sid point at the two mammoths, having a really good point.

"Sid is right, Diego. You don't have to be afraid of going under the ice. Not until you're standing on something." I pat his shoulder then continued in walking, ignoring the glare he gave me.

"I am not afraid of water." He hiss, following after me as I turn to him with smirk, knowing he revealed himself.

"Who said you're afraid of water?" Realizing what he said, I rather ran forwards after I gave him a chuckle and slid into the fighting possums, laughing then with them. But our laugh quickly turn into yelp when a giant fish? jumped from the water, breaking the ice and sending us three flying away. 

What the hell is that?

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