number six

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"Almost there." Crash groaned from the weight we're pushing up the hill. The possums got this fine idea to slide a hill on tree trunk so now we're pushing one up and finally reach the top. I can't believe I'm doing this. We're on the edge of death and I'm doing this with these two. Well, Ellie too, but she's got her own trunk. 

"Okay. Ready, guys?" We look down the way we're supposed to slide before I ask each of them, them nodding me back.

"Let's roll!" Eddie called and we push the trunk down the hill before jumping on it. They got into the trunk, rolling in quick speed whilst I run backwards to go along with the rolling trunk, all three of us laughing uncontrolably. It got too fast I lost my foot and the trunk took me with it, squishing me under it. We finally stop, but just because we hit a tree that stopped us. 

"No breaks! Gotta roll. Meet you at the other end." Fortunately for Ellie, she got past us and called to us. We somehow got from the trunk, watching after Ellie who kept rolling.

"Hey, not fair!" I called after her, my head still spinning. I tried to focus, but how fast we rolled it messed with my head and I can't stand properly. I somehow made my way to Diego, crawling onto him clumsy and lying on his back. 

"Hey, Diego-Friendo, I gotta get a little nap, if you don't mind. I know you don't." He doesn't do anything just shake his head and continue walking. What I caught from them is that Crash beg Manny to shoot him into the pond with tree and Manny did so, but Crash accidentaly hit a tree, knocking him out cold. I started to react when we all gathered around the two possums, one trying to wake the other one. 

"Crash, whatever you do, don't go into the light." Eddie shook with unconcious Crash dramatically. He really believes he's dead? His chest is rising up.

"Can I help in any way?" Manny asked, trying to fix what he had done but Ellie tell him in tone 'back off' "You've done enough." making me frown. I know Manny shoot him but he just did what Crash wanted. 

"Crash, Crash, don't leave me. Who's gonna watch my back? Who's gonna be my wingman of mayhem? Who's gonna roll in that dung patch with me?" We watch Eddie hug Crash even more and let go to fall on knees, but then Crash finally woke up and they celebrates happily. Beautiful sight. The two possums then ran off, leaving laughing Ellie with us.

"What can I say? They're boys. They make my life a little adventure." When she realize we're looking at her wierdly, she cringe in embarrassment then rush to her brothers. "You guys are so dead. Thanks for embarrassing me." All four of us wince at the sight of Ellie giving it to Crash and Eddie. Ow, had to hurt.

___Time skip___

Now it's slowly turning night as we continue in our way. Leaving Diego's side, I approach Ellie and jump onto her tusk, facing her.

"Oh, hey, Rose. How you doin'? We didn't really had the time to talk." Ellie greet me, offering me a smile which I return.

"Hey, Ellie. I'm fine, if we skip the fact this is maybe the last moment we live." Probably she didn't heard the irony in the sentence because she started assuring me.

"Hey, don't think like that. I think there is a boat at the end. We will survive, somehow. Don't lose hope, okay?" I like how caring she is. It reminds me of someone, someone that I know used to care for me and love me, but who is the question. If I just had an answer. 

"Okay." I reply, sitting on her tusk rather. "It's cute how you stick together. You and your brothers. I can clearly see the sibling love between you, even though you are not related by blood, it's strong." I can feel Ellie's eyes on my figure, but I just continue watching the sunset.

"Thanks, but why are you saying this? Don't you have any siblings? Or parents?" Ellie ask and there my smile fell, replacing it frown.

"I don't know." My voice is quiet but hearable enough. 

"How so?" Ellie question again. Don't she remember what I said earlier?

"Like I said earlier. I don't remember anything before since I woke up in snow. I don't know if I have a family. Or if I had any. I don't remember if I had a mate before. Or if there was more of my kind. I don't remember anything." I pause, bitting my lip. 

"But then I found Manny, Sid and Diego. None of us has a family or mate, so we stick together. They are my family now." My eyes drift behind us to look at my friends I take as a family, a satisfied smile making it back onto my face. Ellie also smile.

"That's sweet. Well, we neither have parents. It's just me and them now. They're everything that I have left." I smile even more when I see Ellie look at Manny. Oh, I know you like him.

"You know, Manny likes you." I blurr out, catching her attention as her eyes widen.


"Yeah, he does. He just don't wanna admit it. He once had a family, but he lost them because of humans. It's a long time since he liked someone more than a friend. And it looks like his eyes found you. Another mammoth, and half possum." I chuckled at the last one.

"What are you talking about? I'm not a mammoth. I'm just a possum." Ellie argue, still not realizing it.

"Ellie, think about it. How can you be possum when you are much bigger than your brothers? They don't have a trunk, you don't have a long tail. How come you look a lot like Manny, who is a mammoth? Think about it." I try to reason her and I can see something clicked in her mind. Her green eyes drift behind us at Manny and again meeting my brown ones.

"Do you really think he likes me?" I smile at her question, nodding immediately.

"Of course. We all can see that, well except your brothers." She look back at him as he talk with Sid. "Manny is a nice, caring guy. Give him a chance." And before she can say something on it, I hop down and went to Sid's side.

"What were you talking about?" Manny asked me suspiciously, but I just shrug my shoulders with innocent smile.

"Just girl stuff." He didn't ask more questions after it. We came to path blocked by tree trunks but that won't stop us so we continue our way, the possums with Ellie ahead of us. I watch Manny's expresion as he watch Ellie play with her brothers.

"She's not half bad." Diego, who stopped at my left, spoke. Manny turn to us with trunk in his trunk, us lowering our heads but hitting Sid, knocking him onto ground and making me giggle. "Crazy and confused, but sweet."

"So?" Manny ask irritated. He turn back forward, us again lowering our heads but Sid, who was standing up but got again knocked, another giggle leaving me.

"So what's holding you back?" Diego continue ask and there Manny pause.

"My family." His eyes are full of sadness. I never met his family, because I didn't even know him that time, but I assume he was happy. Well, he has a second chance.

"You can have that again, you know." Sid, who popped out of a trunk that Manny touched, told him.

"No, Sid, I can't." Manny goes to throw the trunk but Sid continue talking.

"Okay, okay, but think about it. I mean, if you let this chance go, you're letting your whole spieces go and that's just...that's just selfish." I almost facepalm at Sid's stupidity. But hey, he has a point. Sid is sent flying in the trunk though. 

"Sid is right. You like Ellie, she likes you too, you're last of your kinds. It's like you finally found each other. I know you can't have back that family, but you can have new, with her." I point at Ellie, seeing her she's stuck. I smirk at my brother friend, patting his leg "Now's your chance. Good luck." and ran off. 

I watch him help Ellie from under the trunk then he follow her somewehre. "Don't worry, tiger. You can have family too." When I find myself walking along with Diego, I tell him.

"Like with who." Giving me brow up, he asked. Oh, let's light up the mood to this grumpy tiger. I smirk.

"Oh, I don't know. Sid would be good mama for your children, and I'm sure you would be great papa too." I snicker with laugh at the faces Sid and Diego made, making me also hold my stomach. 

"You little-. Come back here!" I run from Diego, still laughing my ass of. 

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