Somehow, I managed to get through the 2nd, 3rd, and Lunch periods without anything going wrong. I walked into the locker room to change for the gym. When I opened it, because the combination was the same as my actual locker, I found my gym uniform. I felt the heat creep up my neck as I grabbed the clothes and ran into a stall. I grab my phone and call my mom. "Ash? Why are you calling me," she asked me. "Someone put a picture on my uniform about what happened at my last school. I don't know who did but someone knows Mom. I can't get kicked out. Not again. You know what will happen if I do!" I whisper screamed. "Okay, calm down. Just rip up the picture and flush it down the toilet. Mrs. Harrison is the only one who knows so someone else had to have dug around for it or someone gave it to them. If you act as if nothing happened, maybe they will leave you alone." "Ok thanks, mom. See you at home." I hung up, got changed, and went out into the gym. "Wow!" I exclaim. The gym was even bigger than where the front doors are! "All right Maggots, settle down!" I heard a loud booming voice say. "For those of you who don't know me, My name's Coach Carri. Today, we will do Dodgeball and Racing. To warm-up, we will stretch and do racing first, then Dodgeball. Got it?!" She yelled "YES MA'AM COACH CARRI MA'AM," everyone shouted in response besides myself.
Okay, so she was like a drill sergeant. Well, lucky for me, my mom was one too, so I think I'll be fine.
I thought to myself, looking back at Coach Carri. She had light olive skin with bottle-blonde hair tied into a tight bun. We stretched and got ready for racing. We raced 1 against 1. I got to go last but had to go against Sal. When it was our turn, I got ready to go. "I bet your so slow that even a turtle could beat you," he said sneering.
All right, so it's like that.
Sal had a small build but seemed to be popular amongst everyone. "3 . . 2 . .1 . . Go!" I heard the shot and took off running. Pretty soon, I was at the finish line. When I got there, everyone looked shocked. "W-what, do I h-have something I-in my h-hair?" I stuttered while combing through my ponytail. "Did you run track at your old school?" Coach Carri asked. "No, w-why?" "It took you 1 minute to run the full length of the track. The record is 2.5 minutes. Your fast kid!" Coach Carri said. "Oh, c-cool. Can w-we play dodgeball n-now?" I asked. "Sure. Everyone LINE UP!" she yelled. "Alright, raise your hand if you want to be team captain. Everyone but me raises their hand. "Okay, let's see... Okay Ash and Sal will be team captains." "Did I hear wrong? Or did she just pick me to be team captain." "Okay everyone who wants to be on Sal's team, go form a line side by side next to him. Same goes for whoever wants to be on Ash's team." Of course, almost everyone chooses to be on Sal's team. But that's fine, I can make do with who's on my team. "We meet again Ash." Xavier says. "Oh, hey Xai." "Xai?" "Oh, s-sorry, I just t-thought it would be easier c-calling you Xai instead of X-Xavier." "No, it's fine. I just, never had someone call me a nickname before." "HI!" I hear an energetic voice call out from behind me. "My name is Kei! What's yours?" I turn around and see a boy a little taller than me. "I'm A-Ash. Nice t-to meet y-you." I said while waving. "That's Emma, Amara, and you've already meet Xavier. You new here?" Kei asks. "Yeah, first day actually." Xavier says. "That's cool. So, what's the plan?" "We just try and dodge. I h-have a pretty g-good throw. B-but that's my opinion." I say. "Spoken like a true captain." Xavier says. "All right maggots," Coach Carri calls, "time to start." She then blew her whistle shrilly.

A Million Dreams
Adventure(This is a story I wrote sometime in 7th Grade with a bit of better grammar/wording. If you see something like this, just know that a friend of mine published it here without my consent.) Ash is an Omega. Yeah, she's pretty rare. What's surprising t...