After 20 minutes, we pull up in front of my house. "I live r-right here. D-do you want to c-come in? Or do you h-have to go?" I ask. "Nah, I live down the street." he says. "Well, that's convenient. Ok, come on." I grab my keys and open the door. "I'm home!" I yell. "I'm in the kitchen!" she yells back. I lead Jordan into the kitchen. "Mom, this is Jordan..." "Jordan Mac." He finishes. Mom turns around. "Hello, Jordan. Please make yourself comfortable." she says. "Thank you." "Come on Jordan, let me s-show you my r-room." I say grabbing his wrist and dragging him upstairs. "Wait here." "K" I walk in and shut my door. I put up my clothes and organize my desk. Then I grab Keith and open the door. "Ok, come in." He sets down his stuff and sits in a beanbag. "Cool room." He says looking around. "Thanks." I say. My room was a red and black Ombre effect. I had posters of my favorite bands and shows all around. "This is Keith, my gerbil." I say, holding out Keith. Jordan takes him and holds him. "I have a gerbil too, named Kyle." He says. "Maybe I should bring Keith over some time so Kyle can hang out with him." I joke. "Yeah, that would be fine." I've never seen Jordan like this. Even though I've only known him for like, 4 hours. "Hey, can I stay tonight?" he asks. "Um, are you sure?" I ask, making sure I heard right. "Yeah, if that's ok with your mom." "Uh, let me ask her." I get up and go downstairs. "Hey mom, can Jordan stay over tonight?" I ask. "If his parents are okay with it then yeah. Does he have clothes?" "He lives down the street, so I think he can grab some." I say. "Well, that's fine." she says. "Okay, thanks." I run back upstairs and shut the door. "My mom says it's fine as long as your parents say it's okay." I said plopping down on my bed. "My parents don't care, and I already have clothes. I stay over at friend's houses often." He says, staring at my lava lamp. "Well, when you want to take a shower, the bathroom's down the hall, and dinner's almost ready. Do you have any allergies?" "No, not that I know of." "Okay, want to play video games or watch a movie?" I ask. "Depends, what video games do you have?" "Oh, only every Mario, Just Dance, and Legend of Zelda ever made. Also, Animal Crossing." I say. Jordan sits up. "Dude, I don't even have one Mario game. I only have like Madden NFL and FIFA. Also, NBA." "I also have Madden NFL and NBA. You want to play?" I ask. "Heck yeah. I'm going to dominate you." he says getting up. I scoff. "You wish." I turn on my Xbox, shut my blinds, and turn on my lamp. Then I pop in Madden NFL 20, hand a controller to Jordan, and start the game. About 45 minutes later, I had won 6 games and Jordan won 0. "You want to play again or are you afraid of losing for the 7th time?" I ask. "I'm tired." Jordan says laying on his back. "Let's make a bet." Jordan perks up. "If I win at Just Dance, then you have to . . . let me braid your hair. And you have to wear it all day tomorrow." I say. Jordan sits up. "Okay, and if I win... then I get to dye your hair pink. And you have to leave it in for a week." I cringe. "Pink?" I say. "Yup. I had a feeling that you hated pink and judging by your reaction, you hate pink like a vampire hates sunlight." he says. I think about it for a moment. "Alright, you have a deal. But I extend my time to a week too for my bet." "That's fine." I put it Just Dance 4. "I didn't even know that there was a just dance that old." Jordan says. "There's a Just Dance 3, you know, that right?" I say handing him a remote. "No, I did not." I pick a hard song so that way we have a 50-50 chance of winning. When the song was over, we flopped on the floor panting. I look up. I curse under my breath. Jordan notices my change in attitude and looks up at the screen. He jumps up and does a victory dance. "Haha, I won!" He yells in victory. "Now you have to dye your hair pink. Let's go get it." he says. "Okay but first," I sniff the air. "It smells like dinner is done." I shove him out of the way and bolt downstairs. He quickly recovers and runs down after me.

A Million Dreams
Macera(This is a story I wrote sometime in 7th Grade with a bit of better grammar/wording. If you see something like this, just know that a friend of mine published it here without my consent.) Ash is an Omega. Yeah, she's pretty rare. What's surprising t...