I was drifting in darkness. I could breathe but I couldn't speak. I could hear voices but couldn't hear what they were saying or where they were coming from. Then slowly, I could decipher what they were saying. "Ash is such a loser." "She's a freak." "No wonder her dad was killed." "She should die too." "No one likes you." Every insult and rumor that I ever heard came rushing back to me. I tried to scream but no sound came out. Suddenly, I was in a flower field. "I remember this. Oh no. Please no! Not this day!" I screamed, but it wouldn't stop. I saw them, me when I was 6 and my father. We were running through a field. Then, we saw them. My dad told me to run and don't stop. And when I reached the house, to lock the door and take my mom to the secret room. But when I got halfway there, I looked back. I looked back to see two men, one holding my father's arms back and the other putting his hands on my father's face. "Daddy!" I scream. We lock eyes. Then...SNAP. My father's once energetic body now lay lifeless on the ground. Then I saw the men take off in my direction. I run. Running faster than I had ever run before. I run into the house, slam the door shut, lock it, grab my mom's hand and lead her into the secret room. She asks me what's wrong I just keep my hand in hers. We sit in darkness. 1 hour passes by. Then 2, then 3 until we were sure they had left. We opened the door and looked around. No one was there. It wasn't until then that I broke down and sobbed. Through all the tears, I managed to tell my mom what happened. She too started crying. When we stopped, we called the police and all our relatives. When the police came and loaded the body on a stretcher, my mom covered my eyes, but I moved her hand away. When I looked, I didn't recognize him. His neck and legs were in positions that they shouldn't be in. He had bruises all over. I cried all over again. "I don't want to see this again! Please take me away!" I screamed. The flower field disappeared and I was in the darkness again. "You seem to be in a lot of pain. I can help you." said a voice. "Who's t-there?" I ask. "No names are needed right now. I can give you power. You don't have to be sad anymore little bug." Wait, only one person called me the little bug. "Dad?" I ask. "No sadly, but I can help you bring him back." "I would never bring him back. I can't do that to him. He's in a better place." The voice suddenly got angry. "Well then, you will just have to suffer until you agree," it said. A sharp pain shot through my body. "ARGH!" I cried out. It felt like millions of needles were being stuck into my body. I screamed in agony. "Ash." I heard my name but the pain is unbearable. "Ash . . . Ash . . . Ash, wake up!!"
I open my eyes to see Jordan standing over me. "Ash are you okay?" he asks. I sit up. "Yeah, I'm ok-" Nausea hits me like a wave. I jump out of bed and into the bathroom, then threw up. I hear the door open. Then 5 minutes later, the door shuts. A soft knock. "Come in," I say. Jordan walks in with Taye. "You okay sis?" Taye asks. "Yeah, just felt a little sick. Probably from eating a lot of candy and soda last night." I joke. "Well, you should take it easy and not go to school today," Jordan says, handing me a glass of water. "I told you I'm fine. Just felt a little sick is all. No need to miss school." I stand up and wash my face. "Now get out you two so I can change," I say before shoving them out.
-Jordan's POV-
"I don't think she's alright," I say to Taye after Ash pushes us out of her room. "Well, she defiantly takes after Mom. She is stubborn. Well, I have to go now. Do you guys need a lift?" Taye asks. "Nah, knowing Ash, she'll want to bike. Thanks anyway." "Okay, you two have a good day at school. High school is the devil." Taye walks downstairs. "You can come back in now," Ash calls. I open the door and see Ash just staring at me. "Why are staring at me?" I ask. "What were you and Taye talking about?" she asks. "Nothing," I say. "Let's go, or we'll be late." We grab our stuff and head downstairs. Mrs. J had made breakfast. "Morning you two." She says smiling. "Good morning Mrs. J," I say grabbing some toast, bacon, and orange juice. "Morning mom," Ash says. She grabs some bacon, eggs, and orange juice. We finish eating and head towards the door. "Thanks for having me, Mrs. J. I hope I wasn't a bother." "Oh, not at all sweetie. Come by any time you want." "We're taking off now, bye momma!" Ash yells. I wonder if this is a morning routine for them. "Okay, be safe!" We walk out the door and start our morning commute to school.

A Million Dreams
Adventure(This is a story I wrote sometime in 7th Grade with a bit of better grammar/wording. If you see something like this, just know that a friend of mine published it here without my consent.) Ash is an Omega. Yeah, she's pretty rare. What's surprising t...