Chapter Twenty

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     Angel lifted his forearm from his eyes when he woke up to drop it on Alaska's side of the bed. Harshly, she slapped his arm away and he sat up to see what was wrong.

     Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he turned to his old lady and scoffed when he saw her hunched over her rolling tray. "Really, ma? It's only..." He grabbed his phone from the side table to glance at the time, "...Ten in the morning." He croaked playfully and Alaska grinned before pinching her nose dramatically.

     "Yuck!" She mumbled and Angel rolled his eyes before dropping a giant kiss on her temple and rolling out of bed to brush his teeth. On his way to the bathroom, he poked his head into Moby's room to see the six year old sitting on the floor coloring while Disney music played softly from Alaska's phone.

     "Morning, Angel." He quipped without looking up from his coloring sheet.

     "Morning, Mo. You okay?"

     The boy hummed in reply and Angel nodded, turning to head into the bathroom.

     When he came out, he walked back into the room to see Alaska sparking her blunt in front of the open window. He admired her for a few seconds before making his way over to the window and slinking his arms around her waist.

     She finally sparked it successfully and waited for it to burn a bit before taking a drag. Angel turned her body so she could look at him and kissed the corner of her mouth gently. "You okay?" He whispered, searching her face for any sign that something was wrong. "You're quiet."

     Alaska released the puff of smoke from her lungs and out the window. "I'm okay... I had a dream about Dita last night." She answered, holding the lighter to the blunt again and offering it to Angel.

     It had been nearly a month since Dita had passed, and for the most part, Alaska was handling her death a lot better than she thought she would have. Every once in a while, she would feel herself beginning to spiral, her head filling with thoughts about why she let the older woman give her the slip.

     So far, the hardest part was telling Moby that she wouldn't be coming to visit anymore. The six year old nodded at the news and said nothing more. Angel asked if he was sad and he shrugged.

     "Yeah... but I don't think I have any more tears."

     Angel and Alaska were, rightfully so, taken aback by his answer. Afterwards, anytime Dita was brought up in any conversations, Moby would waste no time leaving the room.

     Angel blew the smoke through his nose and passed it back to Alaska. "Was it a good dream?" Alaska thought for a second and nodded.

     "I dreamt about her first day coming over,we were making tamales."

     The two passed the lit blunt back and forth in silence for a while until the bedroom door seemed to be kicked in by Moby. "Tía! Someone is calling you!" He rushed over and Alaska made quick work of putting out the blunt.

     "Thank you, baby." She took the phone from him and answered the call. "Hello?"

     "Buenos días, cielito," Dia's sultry voice sounded through the phone and Alaska instinctively stood up straighter.

     "Oh, buenos días, Tía." Alaska cleared her throat.

     Dia smiled on the other side of the phone. "I was calling because Marcus and I are planning to take Tessa and Santi out for the day and we wanted to know if Moby would be okay with coming along." Dia spoke.

     Alaska looked down at her nephew who was staring back up at her, while he waited for her phone. "Santi?"

     "Oh, he's my cousin's son. He and Moby are closer in age than he and Tessa, so it'd be good for them to get to know one another."

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