Chapter Twenty Four

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     "Hey, Juice. You get my text?" Alaska asks, opening her laptop before opening her email.

     The mohawked SON nodded to himself on the other side of the line. "Yeah, I did. We got a little busy, so I didn't get a chance to get everything together. Tell what you need again and I can get them right now." He replied, powering up his own laptop.

     "I need drug related arrests for Lowell and Yelena, police statements, drug tests, anything you can find." She said, biting her lip.

     Juice hummed, typing away at his computer. "Okay, so your brother's shit is pretty easy to find, but I might have some trouble getting to Yelena's records."

     "How come?" Alaska asked, watching Juice flood her email with different documents.

     "She might be a junkie, but she's still a Wesleyan. The amount of shit her parents have probably scrubbed..." Juice mutters and Alaska finds herself nodding.

     "Okay, let me send you a program I have." She muttered, typing a few things into her keyboard. As she worked, she noticed movement in the corner of her eye. Nails has just entered the clubhouse and paused upon sighting her. Alaska gave her a close lipped smile before addressing juice again. "That should make it easier."

     Juice hummed once he received the application. "You coded it in Spanish?" He wrinkled his nose and Alaska tittered.

     "You don't speak it?"

     "I'm a Puerto Rican from Queens, I speak better Yiddish." He huffs, downloading the program without attempting to figure out any of the text. While he waited for it to load, he scratched the side of his head. "Hey, why can't you do this on your side?"

     "You've been in Charming these past ten years. I thought nothing happened without SAMCRO knowing, or am I talking to the wrong dude?" She teased and the mohawked SON chuckled.

     "Nah, you're right." When the program began running, he gathered every sealed file he needed. "This shit... is amazing." He spoke, mystified. "What's it called? Can I keep it installed?" Juice, of course, could do some serious damage behind a computer, but his lack of formal education felt very obvious while he studied the primed edges of Alaska's program.

     "I never named it. It's just something I worked on for my thesis when I was in school." She spoke, downloading the files Juice had begun sending her.

     "What about 'Big Green', after The Hulk?"

     "The Hulk is an obvious, clumsy, brute. This program is nothing like him." She argues. "What about Lang comma Scott?"

     "After Ant Man?"

     "Yeah. He's small and sneaky."

     "Okay, I can rock with that. You know, it's a damn shame you left and went to Santo Padre, when I met you I thought we woulda gotten to know each other better..." as he spoke, the octave in his voice lowered and Alaska immediately recognized his Queens accent.

     Alaska's eyebrows raised and she kissed her teeth. "Well, Charming and I have never really gotten along, so..." She adjusted her airpod.

     "But to move right into Mayan territory? I thought Chibbs was gonna pop a fucking blood vessel when he found out."

     "I like my Mayan territory though." Alaska scoffs and Juice chortles loudly at that.

     "How is your Mayan treating you, by the way?"

     "Keeping me fucked and fed, Juice. Why?"

     Juice snorted. "I'm just making sure. You know, if you ever decide to run back to Charming, there's a pair of brown arms waiting on you up here, a'right?" He spoke lowly and Alaska scoffed out a laugh, just as Angel pushed open the club doors with EZ and Gilly following behind him.

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