Chapter 32

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Gwyn slung her arms around him, "How have you been?" she beamed. "when did you get back? How was your journey?"

Lucien coughed a laugh. "Mother save me! One question at a time, lady."

Gwyn blushed, stepping away from his embrace. "Sorry."

"There is nothing to be sorry about. I'll tell you everything but not like this." He gestured to their surroundings. "do you think you can take an hour off?"

"Maybe." she shrugged.

"Then. Let's have a tea in my room."


"Have some of these raisin muffins. I picked them up all the way from Slutonia."

Gwyn offered him a shy smile from above her steaming cup.

Taking a polite bite with her next sip, she nearly moaned. "Crusty, I like that."

Lucien snorted. "I'm glad."

He put down his empty cup. With the tales of his somewhat boring journey served over a cup of herbal tea, he drew his waiting gaze toward Gwyn.

"I don't like to brag but if you insist, I'm gonna tell you that I have the best time in Adriata."

One red brow went up.

Gwyn finished chewing two more cookies by the time she was done with a short version of her and Azriel's journey in Summer Court.

Lucien, on the other hand, leaning too comfortably against the fluffy cushions of the sofa they were sharing, listened to every word intently.

Gwyn had never told anyone about the things she and Azriel had gone through, the places they'd visited and the moments they'd shared.

Even her sisters.

It kind of felt odd to open up about her best memories of her mate to another male.

But not at all was she shameful for having and trusting in Lucien.

Regardless of what rumor said, he had proved to be an agreeable companion and a great listener.

And those were the two things Gwyn cherished among all, when it came down to her friends.

A crooked smile had taken over Lucien's lips by the time she was finished.

She nudged his shoulder. "What?"

He kept on surveying her with those mysteriously bright eyes. "If that wasn't bragging, I don't know what is."

Gwyn laughed merrily, relaxing against the cushions.

"Really, I mean it, Gwyneth." Her laughs turned throaty and hoarse. "you had the best time with your mate. You two got accommodated, learned a lot about each other, took care of each other. There is no wail between you anymore, is it?"

Red stole over her cheeks. "Well, we haven't yet..."

"It's not just sex. Intimacy runs deeper than that. Sometimes the simple act of holding hands carries more meaning than sharing a bed. How were you able to accomplish it in such a short time?"

When she didn't answer, his gaze dragged to the high windows flaunting the golden light of afternoon sun.

"You've found your mate quite recently, long after I have met mine and yet, look where you two are." A note of pain darkened his tone.

Gwyn sat upright. "You've never talked to me about Elain before." He sighed at the mention of her name. "you can if you want to."

Gwyn reached for his hands, fisted atop his knees. They were cold like snowballs.

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