NINE. not your scene?

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unbeknownst ,, chapter nine.

AS USUAL, the party was the last place chanaïs wanted to be in that moment

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AS USUAL, the party was the last place chanaïs wanted to be in that moment. as she got older, her love for going out began to become replaced with staying in and completing all her assignments.

but she couldn't say no to jadon, especially since it had been ages since they last hung out together.

the club was packed, you could hardly hear yourself think, and on top of that, chanaïs was surrounded by people she didn't even know.

jadon stuck with her for most of the night but she didn't want him to feel like he had to babysit her, so she left him mingle with his friends whilst she searched for a drink.

coincidentally, mason was also at the bar counter, the table he was previously sat at becoming a bit too much for him.

when he spotted chanaïs, he quickly straightened up his posture and tried to act as calm as he could, hoping not to make a fool of himself.

"not your scene?" chanaïs initiated the conversation, silently thanking mason for being available.

"nah, not today," he replied, fiddling with the glass in his hands. the silence between the two wasn't awkward, but it wasn't comforting either.

the girl looked over at her friends, laughing surrounded by loads of other people. "what's up with you?" mason asked. part of him felt like it was a bit much of a question, but when the girl looked as disturbed and distracted as she did, he couldn't help it.

she turned to him, briefly looking him up and down. he wore a simple cream button up shirt with the first two undone, paired with some wide legged jeans that suited him quite well.

"just tired," chanaïs told it how it was, her droopy eyes would've given her away anyways.
mason finished up his drink in on go, leaving a tip besides the glass before standing up from the stool.

"let's get out of here" he said to her.

she looked at him with a quizzical expression, having been in situations like this many times before.

"i'm not making a move... yet. you just look like you're about to fall asleep any second now" he told her. a sigh left chanaïs' lips as she linked their arms together, walking through the less crowded exit of the club.

"what d'you mean you just ran?" she laughed

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"what d'you mean you just ran?" she laughed. it was a beautiful sound to mason, something he'd give anything to hear over and over again.

the two were walking down the quiet boulevard, still arm in arm, sharing stories of their childhood.

"i was 11, i panicked, okay?" mason chuckled, retelling the story of how he was coerced by his friends into playing knock down ginger.

the two continued walking in a comfortable silence, well, as comfortable as it could get when you were a tad tipsy and had your arms linked with someone you didn't know too well.

"you don't have to walk me back, you know" chanaïs murmured as they passed a few people. mason tilted his head towards her, the girl looking up to see a lopsided smile on his face.

"wouldn't want you get snatched away now, would we?"

"wouldn't want you get snatched away now, would we?"

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MASONMOUNT , did you get
home safe?

CHANAISHAFIZ , yep. you?


MASONMOUNT , tonight was fun,
didn't know you could be that funny

CHANAISHAFIZ  , i'm extremely
funny — litch the funniest person
i know 🤔

CHANAISHAFIZ , but yeah, you're not
too bad either.

CHANAISHAFIZ , night mason <3

MASONMOUNT , night chanaïs

MASONMOUNT , make sure you
dream of me ❤️

MASONMOUNT , shit that wasn't meant
to send.

─── notes.
knock down ginger was
a menace fr 😔.

so we're finally getting
somewhere in the plot
after months of me planning
it out 🤩

also my jadon fic is out, so
go and take a look 🫶🏾

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