TWENTY NINE. are you the feds?

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LIKED BY NELLAROSE AND OTHERSNAI2TRAPPY when he comes over uninvited 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰

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NAI2TRAPPY when he comes over uninvited 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰



USER i love them

MONEYMASE oh but when jadon does it it's okay? 🤨
ULTIMATELITESKIN we are not on the same level.
MONEYMASE shut up yeah

BUKAYOSAKA87 still can't believe he managed to bag you. that means i have a chance with sza
NAI2TRAPPY no, babe, you don't x

USER otp !!!!

DECLANRICE he said he was going to asda.
MONEYMASE i did go to asda. just not for what i told you 🙁
DECLANRICE i've been replaced ... chanaïs sleep with both eyes open

USER why does she hang out with him mkre than her actual friends..... giving pick me
NAI2TRAPPY maybe bc he's my boyfriend? giving delusional 😭🔥💯⁉️

USER he's not a mountain he CAN be moved 🔥
USER this is so ironic and funny
AUTHOR i cackled writing this icl

USER he's not a mountain he CAN be moved 🔥↳ USER this is so ironic and funny    ↳ AUTHOR i cackled writing this icl

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"MASON, MOVE," Chanaïs groaned for the thousandth time. The two were watching a film on her bed, but Chanaïs was growing impatient as Mason lay on top of her.

"I want to show you my love and you're just gonna discard me like that? Wow." He scoffed.

"Shut up," she rolled her eyes, though her lips displayed a smile.

Nonetheless, Mason rolled off of her, finally allowing her to be comfortable whilst he settled to lay his head on her chest. Fast and Furious 6 continued to play as they shared snacks between themselves.

It had been three months since Mason's birthday party, which also meant three months since Mason found of part of the reason why his girlfriend was so iffy about Reiss. He hadn't brought it up since then, but he decided that he should do it sooner rather than later.

"Can I ask you something?"

"No, you cannot lay on top of me." Chanaïs dismissed him.

"So I want to live in your skin, is that really a problem?" Mason mumbled more so to himself, kissing at her collarbone. "But no, that's not it."

"Then what?"

"Do you remember what you told me at my birthday party? To do with why you and Reiss broke up?"

Once he finished speaking, he could feel her tense up at his words, which was the opposite of what he wanted to do.

"Uh, not really. Why, did I say something stupid?"

"No, no. It's just... I've been thinking about what you said and I didn't want to bring it up incase I brought up bad stuff for you, but it's also been playing on my mind for ages," he replied lowly.

Chanaïs sighed as she leant up properly against the headboard of her bed, as did Mason. She reached over to pause the film, turning to face Mason. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, it's just... you looked like you were about to tell me something and I'm a really nosy person..." Mason trailed off.

His girlfriend smiled as she shook her head. "It's okay, it's been almost seven months of me putting off of telling you this, so I may as well now."

"Reiss and I dates for like five months. And it was a great five months until around the time of Jadon's birthday. He had this huge party and people from literally all over the world came.

"Turns out someone invited this girl from our secondary that none of us like, I hate her but hate is a strong word. Anyways, her name is Harley and she's always had a thing for Reiss but he's been telling everyone that he didn't like her like that. Or so we thought.

"A few hours later, we're playing truth or shot and someone asks Reiss if he regrets being in a relationship because it's 'limited his choice of girls' and he didn't answer at first."

"Who even asks that?" Mason twisted his face.

"Fucking Zion, that's who," She shuddered at the mention of his name. "Then Reiss said something along the likes of 'not that much' and claims he's okay with being in a relationship. So obviously I get pissed off because I'm right in front of you? And you're saying that shit?"

"Then I ignored him for the rest of the night until I was ready to go home because he was my ride, and I'm looking all over the house that Jadon rented out for him, and I find him necking on with none other than Miss Harley."


"Yup. Pretty much your average cheating story but the stuff that led up to it and the fact that he told me not to worry about the same girl that he cheated with is what makes it embarrassing for me."

"No offence Nai, but I don't think I've ever heard of a worse cheating story... you're definitely up there," Mason applauded, successfully lifting up the mood.

Chanaïs laughed a little as she laid her head on Mason's shoulder, finally free from the burden that had been on her shoulders for months.

Mason on the other hand, was dying to tell her something. Three words that could either make or break them.

He didn't know if now was the right time, but he'd been waiting for ages to tell her, ever since the day he saw her.

"Hey," he mumbled, nudging her so she'd look up at him.

"Hm?" she tilted her head to look up at the man she'd been falling harder and harder for for the past months.

Mason felt his chest become tight as his eyes bore directly into hers. "I love you."

Chanaïs couldn't control her emotions at that point, the smile that crept onto her face was like no other. Instead of immediately replying, she brought Mason's face closer to hers, pressing their lips together.

"I love you too," she whispered into the kiss.

─── notes.
the way this took almost a month to write.
one chapter left!!!!!

and as compensation for this chapter
and the reiss slander in this book,
i shall release my reiss book 🤭

not proofread!

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