New armour?

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(A/N): ok just to clear the advanced tech armour Brian's armour where the first generation and there was only 15 of them ever made each taking 3 years each crazy right? Well Brian's stealth armour take a hole 6 years with the wings and wiring and since he went to japan tbh idk anymore but they made it as he was in stasis those 2 suits where made for protecting people (at least the scientists at the time wanted that) but after 15 of those suits where made they stopped and abandoned the lab to be forgotten over time as the suits where 2 powerful and the suits where either still working or 2 damaged from wars during the several decades as Brian was forgotten also thank you JamesL1234 for asking so I can explain a bit of it :)

Also none of the pictures are mine ok? Ok we cool

General David POV

I had looked through the documents and files I had came across the subject file named Brian he served in the military since a little guy which surpried me as I kept reading I had moved to the USB drive looking at all the names of video footage some saying saying genetic DNA transfer as I clicked on it showing a table with a human on it look like he was unconscious observing throu a window.

Scientist: alright test subject 183 name: Brian. Age: 18 sex: Male.
He has shown that he is capable of having several DNA transplants in him as we have implanted a wolf's DNA within him as we plan on implanting bear, wolverine and tiger DNA each giving him a increase of strength confidence patients and so on, the side effects of this however can lead to immense pain all throughout the body as it starts to rapidly grow how tall he will grow we can't say for sure, but he will also have an intense migraine during this process beginning in 3... 2... 1...

As soon as he said 1, 3 neddles came out and poked the human pushing the DNA into his bloodline as it seems as nothing happens as the human wakes upand starts looking around frantically as he starts breathing heavily till those breaths turns into frantic struggles trying to escape till it turns to screams of agony I continued watching as the screams where terrible as his body was indeed growing at a fast but slow pace as he looked to be out of control struggling to get out of their this entire process lasted an hour before it ended.

General David: poor guy but I don't remember hearing anything of this type of experiments happening from history books as from the war.. I said to myself trying to figure this out as I continued watching the footage.

Brian POV

Over the last hour I found myself in a forest after wondering away from the construction site as the sun was setting.

Brian: man I wish for some food right now... I said to myself as i continued walking soon felling something splat on my head then hit the floor.

Brian: wtf?... I looked at it to see it was MRE. Where the fuck did that come from

Mother: honey you forgot your dinner! I heard my mother voice behind... wait a min I dont have a mother...

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