Why Would They do this..

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Ashley POV(2 days ago)

General: ma'am general Zayan and a large portion of his army were slaughtered besides a few special forces.

Ashley: he was a lowly coward anyways besides we have another general who is willing to join us and in return, we send them young felines ages 16-18 so send those special forces to kidnap as many girls as possible and send them to a base near Las Vegas.

General: understood...

The commander then left as it seemed like he wanted to say something else but something stopped him several people around the world are joining my army as I now have 3 million pawns to use to complete my goal.

Brian POV

Sprinting as hard as I can through the trees leaves rustling under my feet as my boots stomp on the earthy ground tears pouring down my face as I held a dogtag my gloves bloody my ACR 6.8 attached on my back as I left the bag and the motorcycle behind as the commander will be furious when he hears about me sneaking out and losing a motorcycle and bag as shouts could be heard from behind me as all I did was run and run without stopping breathing heavily with each couple of steps until I reached a an open field with tall grass as dashed into the grass and began running randomly through the grass till I hear gunfire hearing bullets whipping past me till I felt a few sharp pain in my arm, side and thigh as 3 bullets wounded me as I fell to the ground as I grunted in pain tears now pouring harder before I heard them running into the grass as I got back to my feet pushing the pain aside as I ran though the field to see an abandoned barn in the distance or what I thought was an abandoned barn as I ran limping towards the barn shoving myself into a pile of hay making sure I had completely hid myself as the smell was awful soon several footsteps came from the distance as I covered my mouth trying to control my breathing.

???: where did he go?!

???: search every inch of this place!

Soon I heard several footsteps passing me several times as I felt like I was having a panic attack I felt like my heart was beating 1000 times a min as it felt like several hours of them searching but was half an hour.

???: any signs of him?

???: nope I think he went through the barn and left the other end to try and buy him more time to escape.

???: FUCK!

???: I'm sure he couldn't have gotten far as we had hit him a few times I'm sure.

???: alright let's move.

I listened as the footsteps become less and less till a min later I waited before leaving the haystack and grabbing the radio attached to my belt as I turned it on hoping I can get in contact with base sobbing both from John's death and my injuries.

Brian: he.. hello c..an any...one hear m..e t-this is corporal B...rain I sus... trained 3 injuries and need to...eating... Sar...gent J-J-John Adam's is de...ad p...lease send h-help... over...

I choked on every word as everything hurt in my body I limped out of the barn I grabbed and looked at my compass as I turned and headed south the barn was looking towards the west and east before the radio came to life.

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