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Brian Pov

While I was walking back to base I had made a quick stop back to Chloes place to go and get Destroyer and Slayer as I know Destroyer will be a great defense well he can be used for both but.. I think his plasma rifle/sniper is only something that should be used in like really bad situations like when your enemy is too powerful that whatever you throw at them won't do anything, both me and my other 2 A.I's made it back to base as there many soldiers seemed to be staring at Destroyer as he looked intimidating as for my apparently several anthros noticed how much blood was on me as I walked by.... wait a min.. the have strong noses most of them uh... nvm they knew hehe...

David: Brian you better wash that fucking suit of yours as you smell like blood.

Brian: yaya I will commander..

David: good now get out of that suit and have that A.I of yours clean the Armour.

Brian: sure ig.. Zoey please open up.

Zoey then opened the suit as I exited the suit in my uniform I turned to Zoey as she nodded as she already knew what she had to do as I returned the nod and headed to the commander as my other 2 power suits followed.

David: wow these power suits look better in person. He said with a smile on his face

Destroyer: wait you seen us before? He asked confused.

David: why yes it was from a vlog a scientist recorded as they had built the power suits which is you 2 but that is besides the point now Brian I want you to have a shower as the other 2 can go to the camp where the civilians are. He said pointing to the civilians camp site

I nodded as I turned to Slayer and Destroyer they began walking towards the camp as I returned to Alpha teams Dorm as I sighed and walked in I see Lucas, Silver and Jess all watching the TV as I went to my room and entered my room closing the door locking it, as I entered the bathroom nit before grabbing a towel then turning on the shower head climbing in as I started cleaning myself deep in thought.

Flashback(503 years ago)

Soldier 1: did you hear that they managed to find a signal which could be John?

Soldier 2: ya I heard and is it true they couldn't send any evac to pick him up because we don't know if it's really John?

Soldier 1: yeah..

The words fainted as the soldiers walked as It peaked my interest as I had began packing but making sure no one noticed as it was already night time I had a radio, a ACR 6.8, backpack with a first aid kit and survival stuff, as I wore a bullet proof vest and helmet as I snuck through the yard to the garage and took a motorcycle as I quickly turned it on and rode off to the area to the signal where hopefully John is.

Brian: pls be alive...

End of flashback.

Zoey: Brian!

I hear Zoey from the outside the bathroom as I realized the water was now cold as I turned off the shower getting out and drying myself off as I grab a new pair of clean clothes as I exited the bathroom to see Zoey controlling the samurai suit crossing her arms.

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