a tournament

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(A/N): ok so I do not know if I informed of which season our main character woke up in so he woke up after the new years.

Brian POV

Over the past couple of days we went on a couple of missions, and during that time I was able to gain the respect from the entire spec ops team as I hung out with them from time to time. And Pepper and alexis still hate me that's for sure but Silver isn't really a fond of me so she just tries to pretend that I am never here but Larry he's  just neutral so he's cool. They showed me a samurai-like tournament but it was mostly only Kitsune, when I asked why it was mostly Kitsune they said that they have elements that if anyone other than a Kitsune would surely lose which intrested me as I wanted a challenge.

I found out they always started in the spring but rn I was in the gym as I doing pull ups counting to myself as several anthros in the gym where taunting me as they continued there workout.

Lucas: so that's where you are he said as he looked his head in the room as I stopped my workout and walked to him.

Brian: yep what's up?

Lucas: well me and Jess went to inform the commander to your interest about the tournament we showed you yesterday and since we done a great job with you on our team he decided to give us an early vacation to go to Japan so you can compete!

I was surprised and happy but something deep down inside me  was telling me it was going to happen again but I tried pushing it away.

Brian: no way are you serious??

Lucas: yep we are leaving to go to the airport in 20min so you better get packing.

Soldier: seriously? A human compete in a tournament filled with kitsune ya right I bet he won't even pass the qualifier round

He and a few others laughed mocking me which I ignored as I left walking back to the dorm with Lucas as we soon entered the dorm as I walked to my room closing the door walking to my bathroom to take a quick  hot shower.


I had gotten everything ready clothes, toothbrushes and toothpaste, etc. I had put on my samurai armour not equipped with my katanas as they where in a cloth wrapped around my katanas as they where in my suitcase, I walked out into the hall locking the door as I left my other suit standing tall In my room as there was no use to carry it around and made asked Zoey to watch over my other suit just in case someone does try and steal it now walking into the living room seeing the rest of the team there.

Jess: isn't this exciting?!

Pepper: I guess but it would have been 100x better if the no-fur wasn't competing in it.

Larry: yaya we get it you hate Brian just shut up already.

What Larry said had earned a growl from Pepper as Lucas and Jess noticed me.

Lucas: alright we are all ready let's go!

Lucas said as we all started walking to a humvee as we put our luggage in there as we all got in the car, Larry, Lucas, and Jess was in the back while Silver and Pepper where in the front seat while I noticed there wasn't a seat for me.

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