they have come..

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Brian Pov

After that dream I had, I went to Pheonix and Daisy and told them about my dream and asked what it could mean but they didn't have a clue. We had breakfast before we had gone back to the arena as I am on edge about who could be coming for me, I went to the lounge area that competitors hang out till their called, right now we are on the 3rd match as they where about to begin.

Zoey: Brian I am detecting several helicopter coming this way.

As she said that I whipped my head towards the window which showed the outside as several Kitsune and others look towards the window as about 5-6 helicopter came into view.


I yelled instantly we can hear the sound of glass breaking followed by cries of agony as some where shot.

I rushed to them and pulled them away from the window managing to save them.


I yelled anthos ran to the injured as I got up drawing my katanas charging outside the window toward my enemy.

Meanwhile with Lucas

The third match was about to start till we all heard a machine gun being fired, screams, yells as everyone started to panic.

Pepper: what the fucks going on?!

Lucas: I don't know bit it doesn't sound good!

We got up made our way from our seats to the lounge to found out what was going on as we saw about 4 injured people as we saw Brian running somewhere.

Back to Brian

I ran through the now empty streets as everyone had ran from the hearing of gunshots, I had rounded the corner of a building as I see several decked out guys approximately 17 as they noticed me pointing their guns at me and began shooting the bullets not making making a dent. I charged at them Naruto running and as soon I got about a foot away from one I had penitrated him in the heart with both swords as he had gone limp In a instant, as the others kept shooting mostly hitting their dead comrade, I pushed the dead body of my blades locking eyes with my next target as she knew it was it for her as I lunged for her chambering one arm ready to slice her head but I was stopped when I a force make contact with my side making me crash to the floor sliding a bit dropping my katanas as I got back up seeing who is my opponent, I make eye contact on a lion as they seems to have a cocky grin.

Lion: pfft this is the so called unstoppable human? I bet he couldn't even kill a hole squad alone

The lion said taunting me as there is always that one person I hate its cocky little shits

Brian: better watch that mouth because you don't have a clue of what I am capable of...

I said as I tried to spot my katanas as I left my 3rd one back at the room I stayed in

Brian: I should of brought all of them...

I told myself as I decided to just go hand to hand with the lion as she still had that toothy grin of hers as I got ready in a fighting stance.

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