The Struggle is Real.

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David POV

I had watched practically every vlog on that USB as it was mostly videos information about Brian and the suits, as I thought about Ash had walked into my office.

Ash: hey David have you seen a video going viral lately?

David: no? What do mean a video don't lots of videos go viral?

Ash: uh.. yes but this is the location of the research facility you said Alpha team found Brian.

I looked at Ash surprised that someone, somehow found it.

David: do you know how they found it?

Ash: no all it showed was a black screen with audio when they left and having some conversations till it finally showed then inside the facility.

David: did they manage to steal anything?

Ash: no they didn't Brian was there for some reason.

David: interesting.. can you send me the footage?

Ash: yes I can.

He then grabbed his phone from his pocket as I soon got a notification from him.

David: thank you Ash..

Ash: no problem and one more thing..

David: yes what is it?

Ash: we had just gotten word that the Frances soldiers along with our troops are evacuating after a surprise attack from the UK sending in 2 battle ships.

David: I see.. maybe we should've sent some fleets as well so we could've countered that.. send in a few destroyers and a aircraft carrier.

Ash: I will do that.

Ash then walked out of the office as I hoped Brian will do something about this.

Brian POV

We had loaded as many supplies as we could as the projectiles from the enemy fleets as they had managed to kill about 45 soldiers 25 of the French, and 20 from our platoon as we sent the trucks out as the rest of us evacuate as well as even our mega support aka the power suits where all here, Mark and the little girl was crying while the 2 older ones where scared for life.


My mind started a mini war about using Destroyer will be a good choice as I get more frustrated thinking about it but Kathy pulled me out of my thoughts.



they all grabbed the kids and ran ahead of us to the front as 4 fighter jets where heared in the distance.

Lucas: fucking shit don't tell me that's the enemy..

I stopped in my tracks as I looked up into the skies as Zoey began changing the suits till someone noticed.

Kathy: Brian! Common!

Brian: No! I'm gonna defend while you guys retreat!

Kathy: what if yo-

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