8. Aaron

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There's this satisfaction you get when you intimidate those who are defenseless. It's this sense of superiority. The first time you do it you feel unstoppable. However, as when you get high for the first time or you get drunk. That feeling doesn't last long. As the time goes by you start to feel empty again. That's exactly how I feel right now. While my friends and I are bullying Chester the meatball. As I look up I see Selena walking. As our eyes make contact I see her forehead creased in a frown and her eyes would have incinerated me if they had lasers on them for sure. However I'm already used to that look she always has on except when she's around those she cares about. What I'm still not used to are her sincere smiles and the fact that she didn't do anything to stop us. Usually Selena is the first one to attack us but this time she just turned around.

"Have you done anything to Lena?" I hear Anna ask.

"Not that I know of, why?"

"I asked the group if their opinion about you has changed and she didn't think twice before saying no."

"BABY!" I hear Amber scream interrupting whatever I was about to say.

Anna rolls her eyes and walks away towards Andrey before leaving.

"What do you need, Amber?" I ask with irritation clinging into my voice as I speak.

"You need to stop spending time with that...dork. She'll just ruin your reputation. Plus you spend more time with her than with me," she says with her usual squeaky voice and a pout. Ridiculous!

"Look Amber I don't know how many times I'm going to say this but you're nothing more than an image. An illusion to make everyone think we're perfect. How superior we are to everyone else. Don't make me regret the fact that I chose you for this job or do you want me to tell anyone what I'm really covering."

"No," she says with tears in her eyes and turns around and leaves.

Was I too harsh on her, I don't think so. She has me tired with the fact that she thinks I will be willing to do anything she desires. I already made the mistake of putting her and my popularity on top of Anna once, I won't do it twice.

That evening when we went over to Selena's house we watched cartoons like children and got full of junk food. If Sam found out about this she would make me eat my vegetables all week.

Before I closed my eyes and went into a deep sleep. Something starts vibrating under my head. Oh, it's just my phone.

TheAmbassador<3 added you to Afterschool Buddies!!

TheGrumpyOne: What is this?

TheSocialButterfly: Omg! Great idea...

TheBadBoy: ...

TheAmbassador<3: Don't u dare block me Andrey! (Threatening tone)

ThePopular1: It's almost 2:00am..plz. Can't this wait until tmrw.

TheAmbassador<3: Ok, night!

TheBadBoy: ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz

TheSocialButterfly: GN!

TheGrumpyOne: Buenas noches! (Whispers "anciano" to Aaron)

What's anciano?

Really she thinks I'm old. It's 2:00am, how can she go to sleep later than that and still be able to pay attention in school? Is she really human?

This is definitely not my day. I woke up with a note from Sam telling me she went to visit her family, so she won't be home for a week. I finally saw my parents after 2 months, yeah would've been better if they were here. However I was able to see them on TV. I feel like I need to talk to someone and I need it to be a male. However my only true friend was Jaxon and I don't plan on fixing that problem.

TheSocialButterfly: We have a really good idea!

TheGrumpyOne: By "we" you mean you and Anna, right?

TheAmbassador<3: Yup, but it involves today's meeting

ThePopular1: How come?

TheSocialButtefly: We are having a girls night!

ThePopular1: HUh

TheBadBoy: No thank you. I've had enough of that.

ThePopular1: How come?

TheBadBoy: Before. When it was only Cleo, Lena, and I.

TheGrumpyOne: By "we" they mean Cleo, Anna, and I. You idiots

TheBadBoy: What are we supposed to do?

ThePopular1: Should I be worried

TheGrumpyOne: If I were you I would be

TheSocialButterfly: SELENA! No you shouldn't be worried you're just going to hang out with Andrey

TheBadBoy: Huh

ThePopular1: Us 2 alone? Are you insane! His going to kill me

TheBadBoy: Stop being a crybaby

ThePopular1: I am not a crybaby

TheBadBoy: Yes you are

ThePopular1: No I am not

TheBadBoy: Yes you are

ThePopular1: No I am not


ThePopular1: Anna. HELP!

TheAmbassador<3: ENOUGH! I knew this was going to be a problem so I went ahead and invited someone else.

TheGrumpyOne: More people? Ewww

ThePeacemaker: Thanks Selena.

TheGrumpyOne: Who are you?

TheBadBoy: Who are you?

ThePopular1: Who are u?

ThePeacemaker: Elijah

ThePeacemaker: Why ThePeacemaker?

TheSocialButterfly: Because you'll make sure Andrey and Aaron don't kill each other

ThePeacemaker: Oh

I don't think this is a "good idea". 


Hi ppl! 

I know I took forever to update. Yes, this is a small chapter. I've been a little frustrated lately. However here I am newly. 

Hope you enjoy! 

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