Chapter 3

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Sorry for any grammar mistakes
Hope you enjoy it


"I can't believe this! The king likes Hannah?!" Samantha asked her mother.
"He does" she nodded smiling.
"So he will propose because he's thirty years old and he wants to settle by his own heart .. and Hannah should say yes. I mean who says no to the king?" Samantha said excitedly.
"Oh of course she will say yes. The pressure the society puts on her. And I'm sure her parents try to persuade her as well. She's going to say yes" Elizabeth said.

"And then Louis will be single" Samantha clapped her hand.
"See I told you your mother being a witch is useful"
"What do you mean?"
"I can't directly put a spell on the person but I can provide the environment. I saw the king coming in the cafe so I made Louis to get up and go somewhere else"
"So the king doesn't see her with someone else"
"Exactly. And now that the king wants to propose I made Louis go out of town"
"You are a genius mother" Samantha hugged her.


King Horan arrived at his destination. They waited from the afar for Hannah to come out. After fifteen minutes she and her younger sister came out of the house.
"Follow them in secret" King Horan commanded.
"Yes your majesty" Garry said and began following them.
Hannah and Harriet went to the flea market.
"Stop here" King Horan told Garry. He exited the carriage and walked into the crowd.

"How about this one?" Hannah asked her sister unaware that the king was behind her.
She looked at Harriet and noticed she and the owner of the shop were bowing. She furrowed her eyes being confused and turned around. Her eyes widened a bit and she let out a small gasp. She then bowed in front of the king.

"So our paths did cross" The king commented. He signaled everyone that they can stop bowing. They all straightened up.
"What is this young lady's name?" He asked.
"I'm Harriet" she said shyly.
"Nice name. Are you shopping for school?"
"Yes I will be turning six soon and I have to go to school"
"School is a good place. I will wish you a success"
"Thank you your majesty" she bowed at him.

King Horan looked up and became eye to eye with her. He smiled.
"Harriet how about you go and choose anything you like and my man will pay for it" he signaled Liam.
"okay" she said excitedly entering the shop with Liam.

"Let's try again shall we?" he asked.
She stayed silent not sure what he was talking about.
"What is your name?"
She swallowed hard.
"Daphne is my real name" she said quietly.
The king let out a breathy laugh fanning her face.

"Alright" he said smiling. He leaned down and picked up a medium size flower shaped hair clip. He then grabbed the hair on her face placing it to her side.
"Next time" he placed the hair clip to her side.
"tell the truth, yeah?" he clipped it and took a step back smiling.

He then walked inside the shop.
"Did you choose what do you want Harriet?" King Horan asked.
"Yes and your man bought it for me. Thank you so much your majesty" she courtesied cutely.
"You're welcome" he stroked her hair for a second.
"Then it's time for us to go" He said and exited the shop.
He faced her for a second, "maybe next time. Daphne" he said and walked away.

Hannah was sitting on her bed. Her hands were under her chin thinking. A breeze of air flew inside her room causing her to shiver a bit.

She walked toward her window to close it. Her eyes sat on an old lady. They became eye to eye. She looked familiar. Hannah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Where has she seen her before?

"Whatever you do, do Not take your veil off"

She looked back but the old lady had vanished. She scanned her left and right but there was no trace of her. As if she was never there. She shook her head and closed the window walking back toward the bed. Once she passed the mirror she stopped. Something caught her attention. The flower shaped hair clip on her head. Her fingers brushed on the item. How did he know she was lying?


"What made my son to draw again?" Maura said entering the king's room witnessing him sketching. He smiled looking up. "Hello mother" he said looking back at his sketch book. She nodded smiling while sitting across him.

"Your wish is about to come true" he said continuing sketching.
"Which wish?" she asked. He looked up and smiled. "Me settling by my own heart"
Her mother became surprised. "Are you serious?" she asked happily.

He lifted and turned his sketch book toward her. "I am" he nodded smiling happily.
"Oh my Nialler is in love" she stood taking the sketch book out of his hand looking at the picture he drew. Her. He drew her.
"She's beautiful"
"And wise and brave" he said.

"Sir?" Liam knocked entering King's office.
"Come in" he said.
Liam entered closing the door behind him.
"What brings you here Payne?"
"The lady who helped you with the girl in the cafe is here"
"What does she want?"
"A word with you"
"Let her in"
"Yes sir" he bowed and opened the door for Elizabeth.

"Your majesty" she entered bowing.
"What brings you here?"
"A question in my mind"
"Ask me"
"I wonder if you are interested in the girl in the cafe"
"And why are you asking?"
"Because your majesty, she has a lot of admirer. I came to, if it's okay, warn you. She won't always stay single"

"A lot of admirer you said?"
"Yes your majesty. I've heard couple of guys talking about her. They want to propose to her"
The king became jealous and mad. He fisted his hands.
"Payne give her a bag and escort her outside"
"Yes sir. Please follow me"
Elizabeth smirked following Liam leaving the room.

King Horan stood up walking toward the window with his hands behind his back.
"A lot of admirer who want to marry her, ha? Not happening" he said.
"Sir?" Liam came back. King nodded at him. He once again entered.
"Is there any plans? Are you willing to propose to her?"
"Not yet. Not until she tells me her real name"
Liam nodded at him.

Few days have passed. King Horan decided to have a walk in the town. He passed streets by streets.
"Will you look at that?" he said happily.
She was here as well. Walking on her own. He walked toward her. She stopped once she reached the hat shop. She was going to buy one for her father's birthday.

"Isn't it dangerous for a lady to walk alone on her own?" He commented once he reached her. She faced him. He smiled once they became eye to eye. She courtesied. She no longer had the hair clip.
"Lady or a man is no different sir. We can protect ourselves just like a man can protect himself" She said. He smiled at her bravery. He hummed nodding. He then looked at the shop. He knitted his eyebrows once he noticed it was a man's hat shop.

"A man's hat shop?"
"It's my father's birthday"
He smiled nodding. "Happy birthday to him"
"I won't take your time" he said taking a step to leave.
But he faced her again.
"They say third time is a charm" he said. She didn't respond.
"What is your name?" he asked.
She stared at him. She tried lying to him twice but she failed. He somehow figures she's lying every time. She moved her gaze back to his.


And she said her real name..

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