Chapter 9

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Sorry for any grammar mistakes
Hope you enjoy it


Niall took Hannah to the horse riding arena. Her eyes lit up. She always wanted to try horse riding. Her heart sank a bit. She remembered Louis promising her to take her to the arena once, he did but at a different circumstance. He was her guard now.

"Your eyes shows excitement" Niall said smiling.
"I always wanted to try horse riding" she said smiling lightly.
"Well m'lady today is the day" he smiled proudly. He faced Liam and nodded.
"Do you know how to ride it?" Niall asked.
"no" she shook her head.
Liam and the warden came with a light brown horse. The warden bowed.

Niall nodded and sat on the horse. He then raised his hand toward her to help her to get on the horse. She was caught off guard. She swallowed hard and held his hand sitting on the horse behind him. Her eyes shifted and sat on Louis. His face was blank. No emotion. No expression. With a broken heart she wrapped her arms around Niall's torso so she wouldn't fall off. Louis' grip tightened around his assault rifle gun.

"Hold on tight" said Niall. But she didn't hear him. Her focus was on Louis. What if he does something dangerous? He will get himself killed. She looked at him with pleaded eyes. Yet again he had no expression on his face.
"Hey!" yelled Niall and the horse began running.

Louis faded into distance and was no longer in her view. Her eyes once again set to her front. She was riding a horse. She was waiting for this moment for so long but she wasn't enjoying it. Because her heart was with someone else.

After an hour they returned to the castle.
"Did you enjoy it?" Niall asked once they went to their bedroom.
"Yes. Thank you for taking me there" she said.
He smiled nodding at her. They changed into different clothes.
"I still have some work to do so I will be in my office" he said. She nodded as her response.
Once Niall left she walked out and went toward Liam's office.
She was mad.

"Your majesty" he said bowing. The rest of the guards bowed as well.
"May we have a word in private?" she asked Liam.
Liam signaled the guards to leave. They once again bowed and left. Liam closed the door.

"what can I do for you your majesty?"
"Are you insane?!" she snapped catching him off guard.
"Why? Why did you give him a job in the castle?!"
"Him again" he muttered.
"Yes him! You brought him in here, next to the king and handed him a gun?! Especially when he is not fond of the king?!"

"Among all these guards and my supervision, nothing will happen to the king your majesty"
"what about him?" she asked with a painful voice.
He remained silent.
"Give him another job. Outside of the castle which doesn't require holding a gun"
"The Tomlinson I know won't accept another job. Especially from me"

She began thinking.
"Let me talk to him" she blurted.
"Why not? I will talk him out of it"
"I will not allow it to happen"
"Excuse me?"
"You are married to the king. You cannot talk to a stranger. Plus what would the king do if you talk to Louis?"
The mention of his name was like a knife in her chest.

"The king doesn't know him. He thinks I'm having a normal conversation with a normal guard"
"I'm sorry but no. Do you think he will leave if you tell him. Matter of fact he would do the opposite. I won't set a meeting between you two. I cannot do that to his majesty."
Her lips quivered in anger and sadness. He moved his gaze to the ground.

She turned around to leave. She opened the door but didn't move. She faced Liam again.
"please do your best so he leaves" she said with glossy and painful eyes. After a second she left.
He let out a long sigh and looked down.

King Horan was behind his desk in his office someone knocked.
"Come in"
David entered and bowed.
"Your majesty you have a visitor"
He nodded. David once again bowed and exited the room. A second later Calum entered smiling.
"Uncle Calum" Niall said smiling standing up walking toward him.
"That's me" he said and hugged Niall.

"What brings you here?"
"Just wanted to visit my nephew. Mind if I spend couple of days here?"
"Stay here as much as you want to"
Calum patted Niall's shoulder.

Hannah was in her room.
"Daniella" she called. Elizabeth entered and bowed. "Yes your majesty?"
"Quit the acting" she said. Elizabeth looked at her confused.
"You are the same woman who was standing in front of my window the other night" she said.

"I cannot understand your word your majesty"
"Why are you everywhere?"
"B-But it's my first time meeting you my queen"
"I Said Stop Acting!" Hannah raised her voice.
"You were at that cafe when the king met me. You were in front of my window the night the king proposed to me, you were the one who put the veil on me on my wedding day and now you are here. What are you benefiting in all this?"

"I .. I really don't know what you are talking about your majesty."
"You were also in my nightmare. You did all this, didn't you? You made the king to meet me and marry me. Am I right?"
"I just moved to the town mam"
"This is your last chance to tell the truth. Why are you here? What all this has in for you?"
"I .. nothing .. I just met you your majesty"
"Alright" Hannah got up and walked out.
"Don't follow me" she ordered while walking. Elizabeth stood in her place.

Hannah went to Niall's office.
She knocked and opened the door. Both men raised their heads toward her.
She courtesied noticing Calum there as well.
"I apologize I didn't know you have a visitor" she said.
"No it's okay. Is everything alright with you though?" king Horan asked.
She looked at Calum for a second and then moved her gaze to the ground.
"Well I will leave you two. I need some rest anyways" Calum said standing up and left the room.

Niall motioned for Hannah to sit in front of him. She sat on the small green color sofa in front of Niall's desk.
"I'm all ears" Niall said leaning back on his seat.
"I have a small request"
Niall nodded at her to continue.

"I want to ban a person from this castle"
"And who that person is?"
"My lady-in-waiting"
"Why? What did she do?" Niall knitted his eyebrows in confusion.
"I have a bad feeling about her. I don't want her to be around me"
"But it's based on your instincts and feelings" Niall said.

"I've seen her before"
"So did I. And she's a good lady"
"How come?"
"She helped me to find out about you and your family after our first meeting at the cafe"
And that was the confirmation she needed. Her guess was correct. Elizabeth was indeed behind everything. But why?

"I still don't want her to be my lady-in-waiting"
"Alright. She can be a maid in this house. That way she won't be close to you, is that better?"
"Why not banning her from here?"
"She needs the job. She has a daughter who needs to be taken care of"
"Give her a job outside of the castle"

Niall sighed heavily.
"I'll think about it"
She stood up and courtesied.
"Thank you your majesty"
"It's Niall when it's just the two of us"
"thank you Niall" she said shyly once again courtesying. She then turned around and left.

Liam walked toward the guards retire room.
"Tomlinson" he called out. Louis walked toward him and saluted. They walked away from the guards to somewhere more private.

"Pack and leave"
"Where to?" he gave Liam a confused look.
"Out of here. I will give you another job"
"Why? Did I do something wrong?"
"No. But it's for the best"
"I don't understand"
"It's a command. From the queen"

Louis scoffed brokenly.
"She's worried about you. She shouldn't. She shouldn't even think about any other man except her husband. So you should go. Because she should only think about her husband, his majesty, the king"
"The day I took the job I promised you to fight till my last blood. I am not a quitter. I am a fighter" Louis saluted and began walking back but he stopped midway. He once again faced Liam.

"Tell the queen not to think or worry about me. She shouldn't. Because I'm nobody to her anymore" Louis said and walked away.

Stubborn Tommo

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