Chapter 1

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Sorry for any grammar mistakes
Hope you enjoy it


It was late night and Hannah was sitting in the living room when she heard a loud noise which caused her to startle a bit. She walked toward the door. Looked like she was the only one present at that moment. She opened the door and stepped out becoming face to face with a huge dark open land. The weather was extremely windy tonight. She hesitantly took a step forward.


A voice called her from the afar.

She narrowed her eyes to see better but the vision was not clear. She continued walking forward toward the voice.


It sounded so familiar. She kept walking but suddenly came to a halt when she saw the burning land. A land filled with red roses. The roses were burning one by one. She looked to her front. She gasped in fear.

"Louis?" She called weakly.

He was in a cage all bruised up and his face was covered with blood.

"Louis what happened?" She asked.

He didn't respond though. He just looked at her with pain in his eyes.

A hand sat on her shoulder causing her to startle and turn around. An old unfamiliar lady was standing in front of her. Hannah was scared. The old lady placed a white veil on her without uttering a single word.

The old lady held Hannah's hand and guided her forward.
The atmosphere changed to a bright day.
In front of them was two gigantic golden doors. Above it was a huge Irish flag. Hannah looked at the old lady confusingly.


Hannah turned around at the sound. The roses were still burning. It was two different atmosphere at the same time. Bright day with gigantic doors. And dark burning land with Louis trapped in the cage but his condition was even worse now.

"Louis" Hannah said under her breath.
"I have to go back" she said and was about to turn around but the old lady stopped her.
Hannah looked at her again.
The old lady shook her head negatively.
Hannah was mad, scared, and confused.

"I have to save Louis" she said firmly. As her hand reached the veil the old lady held her wrist tightly.
"Whatever you do, do Not take the veil off" the old lady finally spoke. She had a warning tone.
Hannah faced the direction where Louis was.


Hannah snapped her eyes opened and jumped up breathing rapidly.
Her throat was completely dry and her face was sweating.
She looked around witnessing she was in her room. She drank the water beside her and got up.
She saw the sun shining which means it was the next morning.
She let out a relieved sigh.
"It was just a silly nightmare" she told herself while getting dressed.

"It was just a silly nightmare" she kept muttering to herself. It was something her nana thought her. She told Hannah whenever you had a nightmare don't think about it and keep saying it was just a silly nightmare until it fades away.
"It was just a silly nightmare" she wore her earing sitting behind the dresser facing the round shaped mirror. "It was just a silly nightma-"


She flinched turning around. She had a worried look on her face.
"Maybe next time clean up your toys, yeah?" Harry said while knocking and opening Hannah's door. She let out a relieved breath and turned around facing the mirror again.
"Stumbled over Harriet's toys again?" Hannah asked putting on her other earing.
"That kid never cleans up" Harry chuckled shaking his head.
Hannah smiled lightly which Harry noticed.

"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Just a silly nightmare" She said standing up grabbing her coat.
"Where are you going?" Harry asked.
"To meet Louis"
"Of course" He rolled his eyes causing Hannah to smile.
"Well be safe" He gave his sister a kiss on the temple and left.
Hannah stepped out of her room and stepped on Harriet's toy.
"Ouch!" she squealed.
"Told you she never cleans up" Harry said causing her to laugh.
She exited the house and walked toward the cafe where she was supposed to meet Louis.

"Hi" Said Hannah once she reached to the table where Louis was sitting.
"Hi" He smiled brightly while standing up meeting his fiance. They kissed shortly and sat down.
"I already ordered our usual .. unless you want to change your drink" Louis said.
"No. I'm fine with our usual" she smiled at him.

His gaze shifted to her left hand looking at the bright engagement ring. She smiled more noticing where he was looking at.
"Can you believe it? In a month we'll be married" she said.
"It's crazy and exciting" he said.
"It is" she agreed nodding.

"Did you choose your dress yet?" He asked.
"I have narrowed it down. Tomorrow me and my mom will go to check them up. Hopefully we'll find the one" she said while nodding her head at the waiter who placed their drinks in front of them.
"No pressure. You've still got time" he said.
"Have you checked the place?" she asked taking a sip of her cappuccino.
"Yes. It's still in progress but it's getting there. It is exactly how we imagined"

"God it's getting so real" she said again.
He smiled looking at her. They've been lovers since they were 18.
"I will be back. I need to use the restroom" Louis excused himself. She nodded at him and he left her alone at the table.

Seconds later the announcer entered the cafe.
"Everyone stand in position and be ready for courtesy. The king of Ireland is entering the cafe" he announced loudly. Everyone stood up and waited for the king to enter.
"King Horan has entered" The announcer said.
Everyone bowed with their heads down. King Horan entered with his famous frown on his face. He scanned the area and her eyes sat on her.

Her head was down but not completely. He could see her features. Her brown eyes, brown hair. Her light pink lips. She looked soft. Pure. Innocent. Fragile. Like she needed to be protected. A smile sat on his face for a second. He turned his face toward his right hand man, Liam.

"Payne" he said.
"Yes sir?"
"My drink"
He bowed and walked toward the cashier and ordered the king's drink.
Today was one of those rare days when the King decided to walk around the town.

King Horan began walking around. Some where afraid of him and some were okay. He did look intimidating and scary. He also looked nice and kind. But if you anger him then he would be a beast. He eyed the people. He took few more steps and stopped in front of her.

"What's your name?" he asked.
"Anna" she lied with her head down. He smiled knowing she has lied to the king. She was easy to read.
"How brave" he commented with his deep voice sending shivers down her spine.
"Sir your drink" Liam came back holding the king's drink.

Niall faced her again. He took another step closer causing her breath to get stuck in her throat. He leaned close to her ear.
"If our paths ever got crossed over in the future and I asked your name, maybe try telling the truth, yeah?" he whispered. Her eyes widened a bit. How did he know she was lying? He smirked once he got a reaction from her.
"Goodbye Anna" he said mockingly and walked out. Everyone sat down.
She was still standing feeling shocked.

New Story .. New Theme✌️

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