Chapter 24

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Sorry for any grammar mistakes
Hope you enjoy it


The king and the queen were rushed to the safe room. The guards were searching for the person who attacked them.
"No one has ever attacked us before" Niall said under his breath. He looked at Hannah.
"I was scared" he confessed.
She walked toward him and held his hand.
"It's okay to feel scared. We all do when we're in danger" she said calmly.
"I wasn't scared for myself Hannah"

"I was scared for you" he said.

She remained silent.
"I thought I lost you. What if you got shot?" he whispered in fear.
"But I haven't" she whispered back.
He hugged her tightly. As if he loosen up a bit he will loose her forever.
The door opened. Niall pushed Hannah behind him in case if the murderer was here again.

"Your majesty" Liam bowed.
"Tell me"
"The place is secured again"
"The attacker?"
"Unfortunately we couldn't catch them"
"Then how is this place secured?" King Horan asked.
Guard Payne remained silent.

"Any clues?"
"The bullet which flew in. It was aimed toward you your majesty. The attacker was wearing a hoodie to cover his face in the dark. The only clue was his shoes. Flat light brown shoes" Liam explained.
"What shoes did you say?" Hannah asked suddenly.
"Flat light brown shoes"
Hannah's mind went back to her last encounter with Louis.

Hannah's eyes traveled down for a second. It landed on his feet. He was wearing a flat light brown shoes.

Her eyes widened a bit but she pulled herself back together.
"But why would someone attack me?" King Horan asked.
Tom, another guard, entered and bowed.
"Guard Payne as you requested I have questioned all the guards and they all have an alibi. And no one has seen anyone entering the castle at that hour. Except for one guard"
"Who?" Liam asked.

"Guard Tomlinson"

Hannah stumbled a bit.
"Of course" Niall said under his breath.
"What about guard Tomlinson?" Liam asked.
"He's missing"
"What do you mean he's missing?"
"He's nowhere to be seen sir and it's his shift to guard"

"It's him" Niall said.
"No" Hannah said.
"He wouldn't do such a thing" she defended Louis.
"Think about it Hannah. The attacker never entered the castle because he was already in. And he was the only person who was not fond of me who also had a gun in his hand" Niall explained.

"H-He wouldn't" Hannah said with a shaky voice.
"He hated me Hannah"
"I know him. Even if he hates someone he would never ever try to kill them" a tear rolled down her face.
"Well clearly you're wrong" King Horan faced Liam.

"Search the entire town for him. Once you found him lock him up. Alive. I want to see him once he's all locked up" King Horan commanded.
"Yes your majesty" Liam and Tom bowed and walked away.
"No. No. Don't do it. He didn't do it" Hannah tried to run after the guards to stop them but Niall held her upper arm and prevented her from running.

"Niall he didn't do it" she said brokenly looking in his eyes with her tears falling. At first Niall was mad because she was defending Louis. But once he saw her innocent teary eyes, he felt bad. He looked at her sadly.
"I want to believe you Hannah. I really do but all the clues lead back to him" he said calmly.

"He didn't do it" she whispered and cried in Niall's chest. He stroked her back to calm her down.
Once Niall laid Hannah on the bed he kissed her forehead and covered her with the blanket. She sniffled.
"Please don't hurt him" she whimpered.
He sighed.
"Go to sleep. We'll figure something out later, okay?" he said calmly.
She slowly closed her eyes.

King Horan walked toward guard Payne.
"Your majesty" Liam bowed.
"Due to the latest incident me and the queen will be going to London sooner than planned."
"When would you like to go my king?"
"Tonight. Make the carriage ready. Don't send many guards with us. Just a few but the good ones. You stay here and control the whole guard Tomlinson situation."

"Yes your majesty. By midnight everything will be ready for you and the queen to travel to London"
King Horan nodded and walked away but he stopped midway and faced Payne again.
"Don't talk about guard Tomlinson with the queen"
"Yes your majesty"
King Horan walked back inside. Liam bowed for a second and stood straight. He then sighed heavily.

"Why did you do it Louis?" he muttered to himself.

Hannah woke up by being lightly shaken by someone.
"wake up darling"
She sat on the bed.
"We're going to London"
"Yes. We will be safer there"
"But I haven't packed yet"
"The maids already did the packing. Everything's set for us to leave"

"Louis?" she asked quietly moving her eyes to the ground.
"Not now love" he said offering his hand to her.
She looked at her innocently and held his hand sliding off the bed.

Both the king and the queen sat in the carriage.
"Is it the right thing to do Niall? Us going to the London at this moment?" she asked feeling skeptical.
"It is darling. Us being outside of Ireland is the safest option for now" he said.

She let out a heavy breath and sat back. King Horan nodded at guard Payne and Liam signaled Garry to move. The carriage began moving with different guards surrounding around it while riding their horses.
Hannah looked outside of the window.

"Have you ever been to London?" he asked.
"No. I haven't been outside of Ireland at all" she replied while looking outside.
He leaned forward.
"Let's forget everything and everyone" he said.
She turned her face and looked at him.
"This is our honeymoon. It's just about us. Me and you. No one else. Let's be just the two of us in this trip. Let's be carefree and enjoy our time."

She stared at him in silence.
"For the first time let's think about us first"
"Promise me you will only think about us" he whispered leaning more forward.
Hannah felt guilty.

The man in front of him was in love with her. He was her husband. It was him. Not Louis or any other man. It was Niall. It was him who almost got shot. It was him who yelled her name when the bullet flew in. It was him who was worried and scared for her. It was Niall and no one else. And she felt guilty for thinking and worrying about someone else.

"I promise" she whispered.

He smiled in response and connected his lips to hers. He rested his forehead on hers.
"This trip is just about us" he whispered with his eyes closed.
"Just us" she whispered back with her eyes closed as well.
"And no one else" he whispered and kissed her again.

I already love the next chapter and I haven't written it yet😅

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