Chapter 23

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Part 2

Sorry for any grammar mistakes
Hope you enjoy it

(Song recommendation for this chapter)


'Everything was planned. Every time Niall saw you was planned'

'She and her mother planned everything on their own'

'Hannah if it wasn't because of this mother and daughter you and I would've been together'

Louis' words kept playing in Hannah's mind over and over again. What hurt her the most was Louis' failure in finding love again. He once again was heartbroken.
She stared at the broken figure standing in the yard wearing a guard suite. She sighed brokenly. She could've been with Louis ...

"Ready to go to bed darling?"

She looked up and smiled lightly at Niall.
"Yes" she said quietly and stood up holding his hand. He placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles and walked toward their bed.
They laid down on their sides. He stared at her with a warm smile on his face.
She stared back with a soft smile on her face. He then removed the extra pieces of her hair from her face and held her cheek. Her smile grew a little bit and she closed her eyes. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and closed his eyes as well.

Hannah's feelings towards Niall has definitely grew. She's getting there little by little. But there's a problem. There's still something pulling her back.

The truth. She now knows how and why she's here. She could've been with Louis but a mother and daughter ruined that. She slowly opened her glossy eyes. Niall was sleeping. A tear rolled down her cheek. That could've been Louis. She took a step forward but the truth caused her to take three steps backwards. The wound in her heart once again opened. Once again her heart began aching. She could've been with Louis.

Another tear rolled down her cheek. She could've had the wedding she wanted. Simple with the perfect dress she had in mind. She could've wore the ring which Louis had chosen for her. She could've had the perfect slow dance with Louis. She could've been in her house with Louis. Louis. Louis. Louis. She could've been with Louis...

But she isn't.


After a little break and a little recovery. Josephine once again was sent to the court and the jury found her guilty. She was charged three years in jail. And that's where she was now. Scared and lonely sitting in her cell.
"You have a new cellmate." One of the guards said and opened the door.

Josephine didn't look up. A figure was pushed inside and once again they were both locked up.
"It's me" the mysterious woman said. Josephine kept looking down.
"Elizabeth" the woman said.
That caught Josephine's attention and caused her to finally look up.
"I'm here to help you" she said.
"how?" she whispered.



"Enter" King Horan said.
The door opened and Hannah entered.
"Your majesty" she said and courtesied.
He smiled and nodded at her. She walked toward his desk.

"I have a question" she said.
"Go on"
"I'm the queen right?"
"Do I have the power to ban a person from the castle?" she asked.
"You do but you have to inform me beforehand" he explained.
She nodded.
"Who do you want to ban?" he asked.
"No one in particular. Just wanted to know just in case" she replied.
He nodded.

"May I be dismissed?" she asked.
"Not yet. There's something I wanted to discuss with you" he said.
"I need to take a trip to London. For a meeting. I was thinking to stay there a bit longer so you could come with me as well. A little getaway would be good for both of us."
"So what do you think?" he asked.
"I think it's a good idea" she said.
He smiled nodding.
"Now you can be dismissed" he said.
She courtesied and left the room.

A trip with Niall. No Maura no maids. Only guards. Will Louis be one of the guards? A trip with Niall and Louis as a guard..
Hannah shook her head and walked toward the hallway to find Layla.

"Layla" she called once she found her.
"Yes your majesty?" Layla said while bowing.
"A word in private" she walked away with Layla following her behind.
"Who are you spying for?" Hannah asked once it was only the two of them.
"Pardon me?" Layla asked.
"I saw you eavesdropping the other day and I know you saw me as well. So don't think I have forgotten."

"You're Josephine's spy, aren't you?"
"N-No your majes-"
"Don't even think about lying to your queen."
Layla remained silent and looked down. Hannah leaned forward.
"Do you know that I can ban you from this castle?" she whisper-asked.

Layla gulped down.
"From now on you will work for me. If somehow by some miracle Josephine asked you to help her with anything you will inform me. And no one knows about us, not even the king. Do you understand me?" Hannah spoke firmly.
"Y-Yes your majesty"
"Dismissed" she said.


Later that night.

Louis was walking in the yard and guarding the castle. As he took another step he looked up and saw the window. Her. It was her wearing a beautiful beige gown dress.

He could've been with Hannah. He could've been there with her now. She could've been dancing in his arms. She could've been a Tomlinson. He could've been working somewhere else. The only reason he wore the guarding suite was her. But now she was dancing in the ballroom with another man. That man could've been him.

They could've spend many nights together. He could've had a life with Hannah. He could've traveled with Hannah. He could've been with Hannah. He could've placed a ring on Hannah's finger. Hannah. Hannah. Hannah. He could've been with Hannah...

But he isn't.

He swallowed the lump in his throat. A tear of sadness and anger rolled down his cheek while looking at her dancing with her husband who was not him.


Niall spun Hannah and caught her in his arms again. Tonight was just for the two of them. A celebration of nothing but happiness. The whole ballroom was empty. It was just the two of them.

She looked at his blue eyes. Louis had blue eyes as well. She closed her eyes for a second. Forget him Hannah. Forget him. She opened her eyes and looked at Niall's eyes again. He smiled and spun her around again.

And it was that one spun and Hannah's clumsiness that saved both of their lives.
Once Niall spun her she stepped on her dress and stumbled. He took a step forward to catch her.


The window crashed. And a bullet flew in.
"HANNAH!" Niall yelled and pushed her down to protect her.
"What happened?" she asked in fear.


Feels sooo good to be backk!!
I missed writing this story🥲

Day one of me being back and the chaos has already begun😅

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