Waning strength

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A/N: Hello, I'm in the middle of a long HESI review session virtually and I'm losing my mind. My MDD is acting up, which means probably a good two weeks of depressive episodes so I figured, hey, perfect time to write this.

Nightmare I'm so sorry that you're the target of my pain.


It had been a few days since Nightmare had come to his terminal decision, and he had yet to make any move to target another universe. He couldn't muster the care nor want to do so, but he knew much longer would cause suspicion and speculation from others. Today was simply not the day, he decided, as his body ached and begged for any sort of reprieve. His mental health was doing no better, though it was unsurprising considering his body was in survival mode on his own negativity.


Nightmare paused his trek toward the kitchen at the call. He turned his head to see the group he came to know as his subordinates settled in the main lounge area with varying expressions. "We uh... were wondering when the next ambush will be?" Killer finally spoke up as they all exchanged looks. Nightmare bit back a heavy sigh, having expected these sorts of questions to pop up eventually. "I haven't sat down to comb through available territory yet."

"It's been five days, Nightmare." Killer frowned as his hesitation began to vanish. "That seems like plenty of time to do that. You're never this slow to at least have something drawn up for consideration." He scanned over the form of the darker spirit. "What's the hold up then?" Nightmare groaned at the question, unable to help himself as he ran a hand over his face. "I don't know, I'm just tired, Killer." He relented after a moment at the persistent interrogation.

"Tired?" Dust spoke up with a befuddled expression. Nightmare had never been that openly honest with any of them, especially with something the negative being would consider a 'weakness'. "What do you mean you're tired? You don't do anything, Nightmare." The remark didn't sound disdainful or taunting, but more... concerned? Nightmare didn't want to linger on it. "Maybe if you joined us for meals every so often-"

"I don't require much food to sustain myself." Nightmare cut off with a wave of his hand. Of course, that was because the flow of negativity was usually enough to satiate it. While that wasn't the case in his current state, there was no need to mention it. Eating was pointless when he just planned to give in and waste away. "I'm just getting coffee to keep myself going long enough to sort through documents." He informed, nearly bumping into Horror as he started toward the kitchen again. When had the other gotten that stealthy to avoid alerting him? Or, perhaps it was his weakened state that was to blame.

"Doesn't mean... you shouldn't eat." Horror managed as his eyelight stared through him a moment. "You're tired... take a break." It was phrased more as an order, and any other time Nightmare would have risen to the bait and argued. He just didn't have it in him today to force that anger outward. He glanced over at the other two, considering the actions he should take.

Then it hit him; why bother?

It was the question of the century lately. Why did he bother sorting through documents of universes they had invaded and claimed? He didn't plan to be around long enough for those consequences to come to fruition. What was stopping him from just... slowing down? Any work he had to do was basically void at this point so long as he continued down this path. The knowledge that he could afford to be both at ease and potentially show some genuine form of comradery, if that was the word, toward the others, well...

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