Bruised apple

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A/N: I spent 40 minutes this morning sobbing after a good round of manipulation and gaslighting, so I thought it was the perfect fuel to write a new chapter!

Things are starting to really go downhill for Nightmare now as he runs out of strength, but he's trying his best for his boys- I mean, his subordinates. 😏


Error had put up with a lot of snickers the next morning when he came down to make his morning hot chocolate.

He ignored the bunch as he grabbed his regular mug and began his routine.

Once he had woken from his nap on the couch, he had promptly delivered Nightmare to his room and properly put him to bed. He found himself doing that a lot lately.


"If you start before I've had my breakfast, you're not going to live to see the afternoon." Error cut Killer off immediately. The smug murderer gave him a shit-eating grin but fell silent, knowing the other was serious with his threats. Error grunted as he sat at the table, scowling into his mug as he drank. Horror glanced at the head of the table, seeing the chair as empty as it normally remained anymore. He gave a dissatisfied noise, drawing everyone else's attention to his source of stress. Error heaved a heavy sigh as his head leaned back, thoroughly annoyed so early in the morning. "Son of a bitch... I swear he does this on purpose." He grumbled as he stood from his seat. "Good luck." Dust muttered, knowing it was a chore to get the spirit to comply with anything.

Error didn't respond as he elected to make a portal straight into Nightmare's private quarters. He narrowed his eyes as he spotted the spirit, still lying in the same position Error had placed him in the night before. "Nightmare, get up." He called as he walked over to his bed. He growled in annoyance as the other didn't even flinch, moving to shake the spirit now. "Come on, get your sorry ass out of bed."

Nightmare didn't stir.

Error paused his attempts, staring down at his limp form with rapidly growing alarm. "Nightmare?" He shook him a bit harder, widening his eyes as he continued to lie there, eye closed as though peacefully asleep. "Nightmare! Come on, wake up!" He called out to him, gripping both his shoulders and shaking him. Nightmare's body was pliant and loose as he shook him, causing Error to release him after his glitching became too intense. Error continued to stare down at his limp form, a sick feeling lodged in his soul. He observed the other's chest carefully and sighed in relief as he saw it moving in time with his breathing.

He was still alive, but he wasn't waking up.

"Dammit, I knew something was wrong...!" He growled as he opened a portal back to the kitchen. He leaned his body halfway out, capturing the attention of everyone in there. Killer rose a brow bone at his frantic appearance. "Yeah? Somethin' happen?"

"He's not waking up."

The entire room fell silent as everyone froze in place. They all began to exchange looks with one another, seeing the equal panic and alarm on one another's faces.

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