Bitter pit

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A/N: WHOOPS. So I might have broken a few hearts last chapter, my bad ya'll. I'm glad you're so invested though lmao.

Would you believe we're encroaching in on the end? Wild. Anyway, here's so more angst for ya since I've had no less than four mental breakdowns this week.


Nightmare actually awoke the next morning, much to his relief. While the numbing, blank bliss of whatever sleep coma he had been in before was nice, he didn't want to go through the grogginess of being forced awake. He already felt drained the way it was and he was seriously contemplating not getting out of bed at all now. Still, he knew he had to keep pushing through, just for a little longer.

Fully having talked himself into it, he forced himself out of bed and into a new loose sweater. He finished it off by wrapping his new scarf around himself, momentarily closing his eye and basking in the warmth. Just as he was ready to conquer the dreaded stairs, a glitching portal opened up in the middle of his room. He gave Error a confused look as the glitching monster stepped through, hand on his forehead and eyes closed in annoyance.

"Okay, we need to talk later, but currently there are more pressing matters." Error spoke as he grabbed Nightmare by the wrist, causing a series of harsh glitches for him.

Nightmare frowned in confusion as he was dragged along through the portal. "Error, could you at least tell me what's-?"

He trailed off as he was met with nothing but disaster.

"What happened?!" He looked around at the mess that had once been the dining room. The table was turned on its side with shattered plates littering the floor. The chairs that weren't piles of splinters and useless timber were overturned as well. He turned his head as he heard shouts and sounds of more furniture being destroyed in the next room. He quickly moved from the dining room into the main lounge, where he got a good look at the vandals.

Killer had Cross in a reverse chokehold, who managed to slip a hand behind himself and swipe at the other with a hidden blade. Dust was sitting on the couch, watching the both of them go with a rather bored expression on his face. Horror was trying to pick things up as they were knocked over, looking a bit panicked at the mess they were making. Nightmare inhaled slowly as his annoyance began to slowly mount.


The entire room froze, each of them looking at him with wide eyes. Nightmare knew if he could summon his tendrils they'd be lashing and twisting with outrage at their display. Horror tucked his hands behind his back, as though it would somehow make him appear innocent. Cross took the sudden pause to throw Killer off of him fully, scrambling back to his feet. He sneered as Killer stood up again, still looking just as hostile.

"Enough! What is going on?!" The spirit snapped, at the rowdy bunch. He narrowed his eyes at Killer as Cross backed up, even going so far as to duck behind Nightmare and glower at the skeleton from behind him.

"Nightmare, how do we know he's not just a dirty spy?!" Killer growled as he met Cross's glare head-on. "He could just be wracking up sympathy points so we think nothing of it! I'm not buying it!" He hissed. Nightmare gave a long inhale before letting the air out, trying to maintain his composure.

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