Secret Baby pt 1

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Betty was in Quantico, Virginia, working for the FBI. She was still an agent in training, but she was one of the best in the system.

The one downfall to being one of the best agents was that she couldn't be home as much as she when she got days off, she was spending all of her time with her 6 year old daughter, Juliet.

Betty and Juliet had spent the whole morning cuddling in bed, and then did everything that Juliet had wanted to do for their mother/daughter day.

The two of them watched movies together, went to a small ice cream parlour near their apartment, and even went to the park for a little bit. But as Betty was pushing her daughter on the swing set on the playground, she had received a call from someone who she hadn't heard from in years.

On the phone:

Betty- Archie?

Archie- (sighs) Betty, hey.

Betty- What's up? Is everything okay? I haven't heard from you in a long time. (softly)

Archie- Um, yeah, everything is fine. I was just calling you to let you know that I'm back in Riverdale, and I just found out that Pop is retiring. We're throwing him a small retirement party and I was wondering if you would be able to come? I talked to Alice, I know you don't live here anymore but I know he would love it if you could come.

Betty- I would love to...i-is Jughead going to be there?

Archie- I haven't called him yet, but I'm hoping he'll say yes.

Betty- (clears throat) Okay...when is the party?

Archie- Tomorrow.

Betty- Well, I'll be there.

Archie- Thank you so much Betty...and if you're here tonight, would you like to get drinks at Pop's?

Betty- Sure, I'll text you.

Archie- Great! I can't wait to see you.

Betty- (smiles) I can't wait to see you either.

Off the phone:

Betty sighed as she placed her phone into her pocket before looking down at her daughter.

Juliet- Who was that, mommy?

Betty- An old friend...what do you think about going to visit Grandma, Aunt Polly and your cousins for the weekend?

Juliet's eyes instantly lit up as she jumped off the swing. She had never met anyone in her family, other than on facetime, or when she was a newborn, but she had loved talking to them over the phone.

Juliet- Yes yes yes! Can we go now, mommy? Can we go now????

Betty- (giggles) We have to go home first and pack a bag, but yes, we can go today.

Juliet smiled widely as she took her mothers hand. The two of them instantly walked back to their apartment and packed some of their stuff before getting in the car and driving home to Riverdale, for the first time in 7 years.


After a few hours they had made it to her mother's house, and though Betty was excited to finally see her family and friends after so long, she was terrified.

She got out of the car and walked to the back to pull Juliet out of her car seat and onto her hip, then she grabbed their bag from the trunk. She hadn't actually told her mother or her sister that they were visiting for the weekend, so as soon as Alice opened the door, she broke down in tears before pulling her daughter into her arms.

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