Forever my love pt 1

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Betty didn't go back to Riverdale very often. Not since she and Jughead had had their falling out right before they went off to college. But since she found out her mother was sick, she tried to visit with her as often as she could.

Betty- Are you okay? Can I get you anything else?

Alice- Honey, you're the one visiting, you shouldn't be getting me things.

Betty- Mom, that doesn't matter, you're sick, I get to take care of you whenever I'm here.

Alice smiled and curled up next to her daughter on the couch.

It was late in the evening, they had already had dinner so the two of them were watching TV before they went to bed...but suddenly they heard footsteps.

Mason- Mommy, I can't sleep. (softly)

The four year old stood at the bottom of the stairs, not even looking up at his mother because he didn't want to upset her.

Betty- Aww, baby, it's okay, come here.

The little boy looked up and ran to his mother, crawling into her lap. But then he squeezed between her and his grandma so he could cuddle the both of them.

Betty- You can stay up for a little while longer, my love, but you're going to have to go back to bed soon. You're already up way past your bedtime.

Mason- But I can't go by myself. (softly)

Betty- Why?

Mason- I heard some scary sounds. (softly)

Tears began to form in the child's eyes, but Betty quickly calmed him down, assuring him that it wasn't real.

Betty- It was nothing baby, do you want me to take you back upstairs?

He nodded slowly and held onto his mothers arm tightly.

Betty smiled softly and stood up before picking her son up into her arms and holding onto him tightly. Then Betty looked down at her mom.

Betty- I'll be right back.

Alice- Take your time. (smiles)

Betty carried her son back upstairs and brought him to her childhood bedroom. She looked around the room, opening every door, showing him that no one was in the room with them, then she tucked her son back into the bed.

Mason- Don't go yet. (tears)

Betty- I won't, I won't.

The young mother laid down in the bed next to her son and wrapped her arms around him until he fell asleep.


Once he was asleep for a few minutes, Betty snuck out from underneath him before walking back downstairs

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Once he was asleep for a few minutes, Betty snuck out from underneath him before walking back downstairs...but when she reached the bottom of the staircase and saw her mother being held at gunpoint, she froze.

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