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Lili and Cole were in their house in LA watching TV while their 6 year old daughter was asleep when suddenly the channel changed and let out this loud high pitched sound.

Almost like an emergency alarm.

"This is not a test.

This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government.

Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorised for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted.

Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed.

Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.

Police, fire and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow at 7 am when The Purge concludes.

Blessed be out New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.

May God be with you all."

Then the siren went off.

Cole turned his head towards Lili and saw that tears that were beginning to form in her eyes.

Lili- C-Cole, what do we do? (tears)

Cole- Make sure everything is locked, I'll get all of the windows and blinds.

They began running around the house closing everything up but as Cole and Lili got back to each other in the living room Lili saw the weapons in his hands.

Lili- G-Guns?

Cole- Lil's, I have no idea what's gonna happen tonight, I just need to keep you and Hailey safe...come on.

He took Lili's hand and led her upstairs.

They quickly grabbed their sleeping daughter from her bedroom and then went into their room.

They locked the door, turned off the lights and closed the blinds before getting in bed just trying to stay calm.

Luckily Hailey was still sleeping so they didn't have to worry about her at the moment but Lili was freaking out.

Cole- Baby, we're gonna be okay, please try to just stay calm.

Lili- How do you know we're going to be okay? We haven't done shit like this before. (cries quietly)

Cole- I know love, but I will keep you two safe, you know that.

She nodded and Cole held onto both his wife and daughter protectively.

~12:27 AM~

The first few hours of the purge were fine, nothing had happened and they hadn't heard much but now things started to happen.

They heard a lot of car alarms, banging, glass breaking...but lucky for them no one had hit their house yet.

But then they saw a shadow coming from their window.

Lili began to whimper so Cole pulled her close to him and held her tight...then the person banged on the window trying to break it.

That made Hailey wake up.

She started crying, but Cole quickly calmed her down so the person outside wouldn't hear her.

After a few minutes the person was gone.

Hailey- Mommy, Daddy, what was that?

Cole- Baby, something very weird is happening right now so a lot of people are going to be doing some bad things, we just have to stay locked in here until it's over, okay?

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